Every day, every hour, minute and second I start to feel fearful for no reason. I try to calm my self down, yet I only got a dull pain on the right side of my abdomen. I searched up what it meant, and it says that I might have appendicitis. I tell my parents, and siblings about it, yet they just tell me that I'm being paranoid. Am I really? But I think there is something medically wrong with me. I always feel pins and needles on my legs, I feel dizzy and weak when I walk. I'm always getting chest pains where it be in the center, or my left side. Also right below where my heart and lungs are, I have been experienceing some pain too. Is it just anxiety? Or is it something that needs medical treatment. Of and not to forget...I fear death. I know it sounds pathetic, but I do.
What is wrong with me? Is it anxiety or so... - Anxiety Support
What is wrong with me? Is it anxiety or something serious?

I fear death and worry most days about my health. The symptoms you describe sound just like anxiety but I would suggest a trip to your doctor to make sure there is nothing physically wrong.
It don't sound pathetic cos i can get like that for no apparant reason.are you eating regular and sleeping proper?do you think you got a bug or virus cos that could make you unwell.if thats not the case and you eating and sleeping ok i don't think it would hurt to see your doctor to get a blood test .it would at least set your mind to rest if nothing else.im scared of death also that is very normal especially if your anxious.
Well I don't really feel like eating because I think that every time I do, then its going to do damage to me. But most of the time I just eat like twice a day, or on some days just once. But sometimes I can't really sleep well, I sleep till like midnight or till two am since that's when my sister and mom come back from work, and if there is someone sleep I g in the room with me, then I can sleep with no problems at all. And I also have gone to the docter but they just say that the breathing problems may just be asthma so they gave me an inhaler, and for the throat tightness they told me to take allergy medications.
Thanks for letting me know. Just thinking could you make sure you eat with your mom or sister or a friend? That way they would be there and you might feel a bit better. Or maybe even go to someplace where there are people like a cafe or something. Cos if you were around people then you'd maybe feel ok when you ate perhaps. I have had problems with eating and sometimes I feel better when I am with my boyfriend or a friend or family member or in a public place. Cos I think if something happened I choked or it hurt then somebody is at least there to get me help and I will be ok somehow. Just a thought don't know if it helps but it helps me sometimes to eat with other people.And yeah maybe havign disturbed sleep patterns won't help. Maybe if you really getting trouble with your throat I would tell your Doctor that it's making you not eat and sleep and maybe they will send you for tests & be able to fix it perhaps. If they can't find anything then you know your ok and that will help you feel better anyway.