Not sure what to do anymore...: I have been... - Anxiety Support

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Not sure what to do anymore...

katfree profile image
12 Replies

I have been experiencing some very frustrating and scary symptoms these past few months ranging from constant dizziness to nausea to numbness in my arms and hands to chest pain and back pain. I have a lot of anxiety surrounding my health because things have been missed by doctors in the past when it comes to me. My dad has also had some heart attacks so i am especially worried/aware of anything to do with my heartbeat or my chest or any sort of "heart attack symptom". I have also been losing weight, probably because the nausea makes it hard to want to eat anything.

I had a very scary experience early Sunday morning that i have been unable to let go of. I woke up from a nightmare with a racing, irregular (skipping and extra beats) heart rate and pain in the center of my chest with every beat. Soon my left arm was hurting and i felt nauseated and ended up dry heaving and almost vomiting. i woke my husband up and he seemed less than thrilled about the prospect of an ER trip (I was in the ER 10 days earlier with chest discomfort/heaviness along with upper back pain and arm pain, they did a bunch of tests and thought it was probably just pleurisy) so I ended up calling the nurse line my insurance has and they paged my primary care doctor who said since I already had a stress test scheduled for later in the week that i should just take it easy but go to the ER if things got worse or I felt cold and clammy. Fast forward to the test and it all comes out fine. I should feel happy but I have read that stress tests can be highly unreliable for women, especially young women, so instead of feeling happy i am terrified that the test just missed an underlying problem and I continue to feel angry with myself for not going to the ER on Sunday morning because i keep thinking maybe it was a sign or my one chance to prove that something is really wrong. I asked my husband to promise me if it happened again he would call 911 but he said he wouldn't, although he would take me ro the hospital he said, unless it was "a real emergency". i know he's pretty fed up with everything at this point and part of me can't really blame him because it must be frustrating for him to re-assure me all the time but i am really scared.

I am starting to feel very hopeless and have even written letters to my family to be opened in case something medically bad happens to me and i am afraid every night because i am worried i will have another episode of waking up with chest pain. I don't know if anyone will read this but i just needed to get it out so thank you for listening if you did read this far.

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12 Replies
LearnGirl profile image


Anxiety is a terrible thing but it can be changed - and that can change your life. Would it be possible to get in to some talking therapy, which may help you cope with the horrible symptoms you're experiencing? Meanwhile you can monitor your physical symptoms with the help of your doctor?

There are also lots of helpful books and videos and techniques to help you cope, while you're dealing with these horrible symptoms. You'll find a way through this, it takes time, patience and kindnes towards yourself. But honestly it can change

All the very best

Hi, I struggled with nightmares, partner not taking me seriously, panic attacks, ill health and major trust issues. What I can say is that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

What you need is someone who will help you go through all your symptoms, fears and worries. Who will help you to put in place plans and goals to help you deal with each in turn.

There is lots of help out there online and within your community,but you have to find the techniques that will work for you.

I can't advise on what will work for you, but I can tell you what is working for me.

Firstly I found a GP I felt I could trust, then I spoke to my best friend who I knew I could trust. Having people to talk to that didn't judge me and were willing to give me positive constructive feedback was great.

Through my GP I ended up on medication I really don't want to be taking but after his very patient and detailed explanation I took them. They allow me to stay focused and think clearly. This allowed me to be able to take in the advise from CBT and group courses I attended. I have learnt more about anxiety, depression and stress because of the courses. I followed the courses homework and still use the techniques a year later.

The break through g or me was realising this was going to take hard work and time. It also allowed me to realise that I needed people in my life to support me constructively and not judge or contradict the professional advise I was getting.

So here is a list of things I have tried.

Medication for depression - still on these but GP aware I have goals to reduce these and eventually come off them. (Trust in GP)

Psychiatrist - Didn't work for me cause it was locums and saw a different person most meets. Made me feel worse as I had reached a point where I wanted to progress to getting better and stop trying to find out why this had happened to me or regurgitate my past year again. (No trust in system or the people I saw)

Psychologist - Found one out with my NHS and paid privately to see her. This worked as I was able to trust in her greatly. Worked on goals setting, journals, thought diaries, adjusting my thinking of myself and others, sleep techniques, anxiety control. (Hugh trust benefit and well worth the money)

Now I do mindfulness breathing , have plans to allow me to feel safe when leaving the house, have plans for dealing with meeting new people. I track my progress each day, keep in contact with friends and family who know what I am doing and what I am aiming for and who support me and give me a nudge if I am starting to wander away from my goals or go back to how I was.

Things I have learnt include have a plan, trust in yourself, don't try to fix everything at once, be patient, accept this path to wellness has many twists and turns, surround yourself with good positive people by removing the leeches from your life, don't no so hard on yourself, remember you are a unique individual and what has happened to one person may not happen to you, being grateful on a daily basis for what I can do and what I have achieved, completing thought diaries, a daily journal, eating healthily and trying to exercise more, getting out and dealing with anxious situations.

Wow, that is a long response sorry about that but I hope it helps. If you want to know more about what I have tried and the books, websites, natural techniques that I am using please get in touch.

Take care and remember you are a good unique person who can be happy again and you can get through this.

Take care.

Anxious2befree profile image
Anxious2befree in reply to

Wow that's great information :) I have the same problem with panic. I will definitely take this information on board :)

in reply to Anxious2befree

Get in touch if you have any questions about my experience. I think this forum is good for people willing to share their experiences as it gives us all an insight into what may work for ourselves.

I love that people are willing to share and help others. Gives me a good positive vibe and helps me to keep going with my own goals into getting well. :-D

Timsmith profile image
Timsmith in reply to

Very well said not long at all actually everyone struggling with this stuff should read this.

Anxious2befree profile image

Wow you are similar to me thinking they have missed something :( I'm sick of it I just want my life back and go back to work. Every little thing that hurts in my body I panic and sometimes I get symptoms that I know are not really there (hard to explain). It's a struggle every day not knowing if it's anxiety/panic or something really is wrong.

Timsmith profile image
Timsmith in reply to Anxious2befree

Its only hard to explain to people who never experienced anxiety every one here is like yup thats me. Goid luck you can do this

Timsmith profile image

I know ita tough i went through all of this for 6 months. I let anxity steal six good months of my life. Had every test done cost me thousands of dollars to show me that all theses things going on with my body were from stress. It was hard at first to except that i had anxity issues part of me was hoping it was something else something i thought was real. Guess what it is real and once i dealt with treating the anxity i started feeling better. My advice is if ypu need to get test done by all means do but when they say nothing is wrong and your perfectly healthy say to yourself ok now its time to treat the real issue. This is where you have to find the treatment that is right for you

I went on meds at first and joined a support group. I have been off meds for about 4 months but still go to support groups eberyone in awhile. I still get anxiety now and then but i know what it is and i deal with it. I refuse to allow it to steal anything else from my life. You can do this dont let this disease rob you of your life and your family. Wishing you and your husband the best i know how hard it is on all of you he sounds like my wife she was always there for me but i can see the pain it caused her cause therr wasnt anything she could really do for me, no one could i had to be the one to take charge of this. Find a support group talk ti a dr and find a hobby other then web md. The internet makes us all crazy it did for me. Good luck, tim

Timsmith profile image
Timsmith in reply to Timsmith

I just read what i wrote and realized my spelling is terrible. This phones digits are so close i tend to hi extra letters lol. You know what today is people its friday and its damn good to be friday.

in reply to Timsmith

Good reply. :-D

It's strange how we've been conditioned to look for physical issues first and would do anything for it not to be an issue with our minds. I can see this starting to change, but it's a struggle and some people still feel they have to hide that they suffer from anxiety and depression issues.

Good one you that your wife is willing to help even although she couldn't really help. I unfortunately have lost my marriage due to anxiety and depression, I will never know if it was going to end if I didn't have these issues but they certainly played a huge part in the break up. You are lucky you got it all sorted in 6 months, that was really good work done and I am pleased for you.

Glad you recognise when you are starting to feel anxious and know what to do. Keep up the good work and take care.

Timsmith profile image

Its always a strugglebdont get me wrong. I have had anxiety all my life just not on the level like those six months. It was after that that i had to except it was anxiety. I think as a man we dont want that stigma so we choose to not believe or except it. All i can say is for me once i did the healing started. Not every day is gum drops and lolly pops but over all i have way more good days then bad. I know how hard this crap can be and how sad it is to see people lose so much from it. Wishing you well bud i can tell your a fighter you lost alot but your still going

Take care

Mixfammom profile image

I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Anxiety is a bitch! I really had to get to the point that when something like that happened to me I had to put it in God's hands and just tell him if it was my time so be it. I am doing much better with Med's, exercise and faith that the lord has bigger plans for me.....I wish you all the luck I can that you will find peace <3

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