My jaws killinge me again and I feel like my throat is swollen at the back like it's going to suffocate me π I've booked in to see my doctor tomorrow!!! I've never had the tightness in my throat is this anxiety? I'm scared to go to sleep! X
Crap! It's back: My jaws killinge me again... - Anxiety Support
Crap! It's back
i had this and it was fluid behind my ear. my eustacian tube was blocked which caused sore throat too. or it could be tmj. anxiety can affect this too due to tension in your jaws xx
I have tmj doctor told me that a few weeks ago.. It did go but now it's back π I don't have a sore throat just feels like it's really tight like I can't breathe π© Xx

I have had a tightness feeling in my throat before and it was just anxiety. It literally feels like your throat is is closing but nothing is really wrong and of course you're not going to suffocate. Try not to pay attention to it and it will pass. Check out this link:
Thankyou so much! It's a scary symptom I've never had it before x
Sounds awful Jess, hope it disappears soon and you are ok x
I'm okay my bf gave me his gum shield lol I can't find my retainer from dentist π So I'm having a good chew on it and my jaw pain has gone down a lot and the tightness is clearing too! You okay? Xx
I'm ok Jess thanks, tired tonight π΄ x
Holy sh*t me too I'm so fricking tired been yawning all day!! Was sure there was something wrong but doc says extreme tiredness is common in first trimester π X

Your Welcome! Hope you feel better soon!
I get tightness in my throat doc says its anxiety, all my neck is tight too