Laying in bed comfortable trying to sleep and suddenly I feel like I can't catch my breath I get up in such a panic I hate this feeling so much!
It's back: Laying in bed comfortable trying... - Anxiety Support
It's back

I've felt like this for the past several days. I'm so tired of it!

I had such good control of it at night now it's all gone
I spent two nights where I'd start to fall asleep and then then feel like I couldn't breathe and wake up. Needless to say I didn't sleep! Try some lavender oil. It really helps calm me down

How did you use the lavender oil?
I put a few drops on my wrist and a drop on my hands and give it a good sniff. You can also make a spray and spray some on your pillow at night

Thank you so much for the advice!
I'm feeling the Sam. I fell asleep around 8:30, now I'm wide awake feeling anxious. I'm not in full panic mode but feeling that I'm heading that way. 😞
ahhh the night curtain of anxiety when all is silent and we are left with your thoughts......
We've all been there and have survived. Stay positive and go to a happy place of memories...... deep breathe and reeeeelax!
Exactly what I've been going through...try burning lavender oil beside your bed, I keep a pillow mist and a sleep therapy balm from Avon beside my bed too, and propranolol just incase I feel I need them and lastly rescue remedies.... Keep the telly on low so you have something else you concentrate on in the background other than your breathing.
It's not always 100% effective nut it does help me eventually and I feel a little easier when I wake up.
I know it's s lengthy shopping list but give it s go! I hope you find something that works for you 🍃