Hello there, I am an 18 year old man and I am quite healthy, for the last month or so I keep getting a really pressure on the left side of my brain and loud ringing in my ears, this also causes me to go dizzy and lose my balance, every now and again I suffer from absences too, I'm quite scared because cancer is quite common in my family.
Pressure on the brain, dizziness, loss of ... - Anxiety Support
Pressure on the brain, dizziness, loss of balance.
Dont worry i get the same hot flushes pain in left arm heat palpatations out of breath easy hard to breath dizzyness fullness in ears blury vison stiff neck and jar numb face everything just try not to worry we are all hear for ya i have weired thoghts i cant shake and everything u will be fine u will get threw it i am 19 year old male anf its horrible cant go out with friemds or clubbing or out with gf it is hard
Hi could i ask if you have had a cold recently because it sounds like you have got vertigo to me. I suffer with this and it can be very destressing. Im no doctor so dont take my word for it but ut does sound like vertigo.
This could be a weird type of migraine called "vestibular migraine", or sometimes" migraine associated vertigo", which can produce these symptoms. That's what I get. I think it's fairly common but under diagnosed and much more likely than cancer. You could keep a food diary for a few weeks to see if there's any food triggers , also any stresses which are a big factor. Boring I know especially for a lad of your age, but might be worth a try. Get it checked out by the doc too in case they can point you in the right direction. Good luck!
I get that alot today i was stress and right now am getting pressure on my left side my head first starts down goes up and i got really dizzy. Sometimes i get like my heart is going to fast or to slow or i feel like i can breathed i hate went gets me on night went out of nowhere wakes me up . Yes the same question u have i ask my self i get so worry i just try not to think about . I have to stop stressing ...
This could be due to stress and tiredness, take proper rest also eat well and take care of your health. Don't be scared, live your life with full of joy.
Take an appointment with doctor and get proper checkup.