Hey everyone.. Just thought I'd let you know how I'm getting on with the magnesium.. Amazing!! 100% recommend to anyone of you.. I no longer have panic attacks.. And my anxiety is minimal.. I'm laughing and going out with friends without even thinking about it! I no longer think I have cancer or that I'm going to have heart attacks or any other health problem!! X
Magnesium..: Hey everyone.. Just thought I'd... - Anxiety Support
How long have you been taking it and at what dose? It's good to hear you are better
I've been on them about a month now and I take 375g one tablet a day.. I asked the pharmacist to help me! Aww Thankyou it's really good! Do you take them? X

Maybe a magnesium deficiency was your problem all along. Almost all your posts I can relate to so I think you and I may have postpartum /anxiety possible mag deficiency.
Anyway I have taken it on and off but I am so terrible at persisting with supplements I think the longest I last is 5 days then I stop for a few weeks then start up again. I think I will get some tmrw and try to really stick to it. One thing I did stick to for a little longer and I think it helped were tissue salts, have a Google. I've still got them I will start them again. However I have been doing much better and I think it's due to a book I just finished reading called dare I highly recommend it!
I actually went to the doctor yesterday for my flu jab and asked him if it was okay to take magnesium during pregnancy he said why you taking them I said that there actually really helping with my anxiety so he said to carry on taking them.. I was like that remembering to take them everyday so I carry them in my bag now! I actually brought that book I think it's in the car on the floor 😂 The bit where he tells you to imagine the anxiety is a little creature that talks like its on helium was to much haha x
I'll google tissue salts now x
Great news Jess, I will reply to your message later xx
Magnesium? I take Mg every day and still have my usual problems with anxiety if I don't take my medicines right on time. Is this a special form of Mg??
Umm no I don't think so I just went in to boots and asked for some magnesium and I asked if it worked for anxiety and he said it sure does ☺️ So he gave me a silver bottle and it just says magnesium on the bottle and each tablet is 375g.. How long you been on yours? X

About 15 years, since it works together with calcium and vitamin D in our bodies to help with bone, blood clotting and other functions. I take 400 mg plus whatever's in my multi per day. I'm just learning more about what form to take regarding a lot of vitamins and supplements since I just had bariatric surgery and must have the effective forms of vitamins. I'm going to have to ditch some of my supplements to buy the effective forms in my body.
Wow 15 years!! Maybe you should speak to a pharmacist.. There usually pretty good.. I picked up magnesium with calcium in and he told me to just take the magnesium on its own x

Good idea. A pharmacist would know. Except I think I can't expect a supplement to completely counteract a disorder like GAD all of the time. That's being unreasonable. I'm sure the Mg is helping relax me, but it can't "cure" the disorder and how it steps up and malfunctions with the anxiety.
I agree my anxiety isn't cured.. I feel like I've still got a long way to go.. I'm coping a lot better than I was and I feel that it's down to accepting that I do have anxiety and the magnesium x

I'm fine as long as I take my benzo... clonazepam...every 8 hrs. So I am quite pharmacy dependent. This isn't what I would ever have dreamed I would be or what I would want. But here I am, hoping one day my Dr. will find a way to get me on something else, knowing I have this disorder for a lifetime.
Hey twin I am definatly going to try them now because I still struggle to get out the door sometimes I manage taking kids to school but thats the only place I go I feel like a hermit lol. X