Anxiety: Mirtazepam or Pregabalin? Who has... - Anxiety Support

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Lamore1982 profile image
14 Replies

Mirtazepam or Pregabalin?

Who has used?

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Lamore1982 profile image
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14 Replies
Mia51 profile image

I have used mitazipine last year but it made me a bit hyper and couldnt sleep.We are all different so it might suit you

jrcnpg profile image

I have been taking mirtazapine together with pregabalin and venlafaxine for almost twenty years now have found that they allow me to live as near normal a life as I possibly could. If you try them and they do not work for you then your doctor will wean you off them. Be aware, though, that all antidepressants take a ​time to work, six weeks at least. I have known people take them for three days and have decided that they do not work for them and, therefore, return to their doctor who, quite probably, out of frustration prescribe whatever it is that they ask for and have done with it. Take care,


Lamore1982 profile image
Lamore1982 in reply to jrcnpg


How much Pregabalin do u use?

jrcnpg profile image
jrcnpg in reply to Lamore1982

I take two 250mg capsules in the mornings and two 250mg capsules at night. My entire life has benefitted​ beyond believe with the introduction of this drug and I would recommend it to anyone.

thesemoods profile image
thesemoods in reply to jrcnpg

Hi that sounds like a really high dose - can i ask if you suffered from depression/anxiety? I tried pregabalin a few months ago 50mg x 3 a day and i felt drunk after the first day it was horrible. Have been back on it a week 25mg x 3 a day - havent noticed anything positive yet x

jrcnpg profile image
jrcnpg in reply to thesemoods

It is an agreed dose between myself and my psychiatrist. Everyone's body is different and so reacts differently to different doses of any drug. Yes, my problems began with anxiety and related depression. In my third year at University though I became gradually worse and was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia. Since then every psychiatrist has followed that but added other diagnoses such as bi-polar, personality disorder, dysthimic, schizoid affective............I had a massive amount of help from both the medical and academic staff at University and completed my degree in the medical centre off campus. I lived in the place!

Delilah_butterfly93 profile image
Delilah_butterfly93 in reply to jrcnpg

Hello, Just wanted to say thats amazing...well done getting your degree! I never even got to uni after I got anxiety and depression so I can imagine how hard you must have pushed yourself to finish your degree. You must be so strong!

jrcnpg profile image
jrcnpg in reply to Delilah_butterfly93

Many thanks for your comments. I wouldn't necessarily regard myself as strong and nor would anyone who knows me, I think. With the help from the people at University and my absolute commitment to my chosen subject (English Literature), ​I completed my degree then went on to complete an MA then a Ph.D. All those studies acted not only as a fulfillment of my desire but also as a barrier which protected me from the outside world. Not recommended for everyone, but for me it was salvation!

Lamore1982 profile image
Lamore1982 in reply to jrcnpg

How long have you used the Pregabalin? DOSE?

and do you have side effects?

Imys profile image

Taking pregabal for 2 years , helped relieve anxiety and depression, on mirtazapine 1 year, helps me to cope with everyday chores , bad memories fade, still have bad days , can be a struggle , trying to keep positive hoping meds continue to work


I have agraphobia and social anxiety combined with IBS-D and have tried lot of anti-anxiety\depressant medication and found Im not good on SSRIs which give be headaches. Ive been on Pregabalin for about a year now, increasing dose every couple of weeks up untill 4-5 months ago. I take 500mg spread three times throughout the day and have found them very helpful. The drunken feeling only lasted a couple of days each time I increased the dose but hasnt been an issue since. Except parhaps the odd dizzy feeling but that couple be anxiety caused by not breathing enough etc. I was told that pregabalin wouldnt have much effect untill I reached a dose of 450-500mg, 600mg is the maximum I believe. I found a handy side effect of pregabalin is constipation, which helped with the IBS-D but might not be good for you. I found Pregabalin to have less of an effect on my depression and more on the anxiety side of things. Its the only anti anxiety\depressant medication that Ive stayed on for this length of time and i think it should be suggested more for people that are sensitive to the effects of SSRIs as it seems to have less side effects and has been a real help for me and might be for others too.

I had also tried Mirtazapine before that. Had a much stronger feeling of drunkeness which lasted longer. It did help with anxiety and depression but cause my IBS to be worse and made me gain weight and come out in spots, so went off it after a few months. feeling spoty and fat did not help with the social anxiety!

I hope this has been some help to you. Itd really recomend pregabalin. But I know how scary it can be trying to find a medication that works and has managable side effects. Ive tried seven different medications and each time hoped it was the right one, only to be plagued by headaches again and then felt horrendous when withdrawing after investing (and wasting, or so it felt,) months of my life. I hope you find something that works for you soon :-) xx

Note: Just read jrcngp's reply so must be wrong about maximum dose. x

Lizbett profile image
Lizbett in reply to Delilah_butterfly93

Thank you for your response. It totally resonated with me. Your words re Pregablin sincerely give me hope. This med knocks me around: dizzy, tired, but reading your reply has been massively helpful. I now aim to stay with it.

Recently started using it for nerve pain. GP failed to advise me that it is also used for mental health disorders. All these months of horror and anguish resulting from withdrawing from various anti-depressants prescribed by non-communicative and ill-educated health professionals who did not advise me on the other benefits of taking this drug. Even my Psychiatrist didn't tell me when he increased the dose from 100 to 150mg twice daily. At the time I thought it odd that he would do this. Now I know why :-\ My "Dr" should have suggested it to ME and not the other way 'round. Geez, I dunno ... . :-|

Lizbett profile image

I'm confused. No real surprise there really, but I thought that Pregablin was used for nerve/sciatic pain? At least that'swhat my unsupportive GP told me. I'm currently on a relatively low dosage to control nerve pain. I found that it made me dizzy but I have persevered with it. I increased my dosage from 75mg to 150 mg at night . Am considering starting to take a low dose in the morning as well, but am concerned about being dizzy, fatigued etc. Chronic pain that has spiralled me into into the panic attack /GAD/depression abyss day and night.

May I also ask whether the side effects are transient and should this tablet be taken with food? I ask because I constantly get dizzy and have been trying to work out whether it's low blood sugar, anxiety or meds ... Or all three.

If you could please reply, I would be hugely greatful.

Thank you for your eye opening post. Best wishes.


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