Hi everyone! I've been reading this forum for a long time. A psychiatrist diagnosed me with GAD after a series of test for anxiety symptoms which I thought was from a heart problem (although I had one and was healed from it by God). And yes, I am a Christian.
Anyway, this anxiety returned last February, a month after my dad died from a heart attack. From February to August I was in a spiral of anxiety. Last June was the peak of it. My money was drained going back and forth to doctors. I actually have visited all the hospitals in my area and had ecg with all of those, all of which came back normal. During the anxiety peak, I googled a lot. I read about a lot and so most of it got registered in my brain. All of the anxiety symptoms were present. I had a hard time especially with dizziness (feeling I am in a boat) since I am a grade 9 teacher.
Somehow, God wanted me to be free. Last August 6 I got water baptized and all my fears of heart attack and heart problems suddenly vanished. I didn't go to panic when I felt chest pains. But that changed 3 days ago when I had a pain in the calf and behind my knee. I didn't remember doing anything that might have caused it. And so my background knowledge from Dr. Google came and thought it is DVT and PE. OCD kicked in and now I am obsessed with that thought. That is why I will go to a check up tomorrow and ask for a CT scan and venous doppler scan for my mind to silence.
It sucks but these things are for sure:
this is not permanent.
God loves us.
Jesus heals us.