Only when I think about it...: Does anyone... - Anxiety Support

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Only when I think about it...

MikeT84 profile image
8 Replies

Does anyone else experience this... I went for a long walk today. It has been freezing cold here and the wind has been belting us (I live on the coast) but it was sunny and a good day for a walk. I walked the two miles or so round to a shopping area near me and was fine... not a twinge, not a pain or knot or worry... as soon as got to where I was going, I stopped for a coffee and thought 'I'm feeling great today... no pain, no worrying... maybe its gone away for a while...' Within ten minutes, I was right back to where I was before.

I am now at home... the usual stinging pain in the top of my breastbone, my head telling me every twinge is about to be my last, repeatedly pressing on the usual pressure points on my chest and shoulders to make sure the pain is still reproducible, aspirin, stomach churning, antacids to prevent stomach acid leaping up to my chest and burning like ... well, acid, and just a general sense of fear and dread that I am on the cusp of a major coronary... It's as if, when I thought about feeling good, my brain said 'well, we can't have that now, can we? RELEASE THE HOUNDS!'

!"£$%^&*( ing BRAIN!!!!!!

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MikeT84 profile image
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8 Replies
lyn21 profile image

I know exactly what you mean! Just as I start thing wow I'm feeling good and today is going to be good... It hits me. All the anxiety symptoms come back. It's as if my own body doesn't want me anxiety free.

Lottieonline profile image

Wishing you a better day today MikeT84.

I too live along the coast and boy was it freezing last night!!

It's so hard to drag oneself out of a warm snug bed with a warm cozy Yorkie dog she doesn't make it easy to get up!!

Fibro hugs (((hugs)))


judy1713 profile image

Your right, that's EXACTLY what happened by thinking how you weren't having all your problems, how great it was not to have this and that, you thought about it just a few seconds too long, and you brought it right back into your mind. That's so sad for us, I'm having such a hard time lately, so I no how you feel. I'm almost 67 and have been having all the same problems as all of you on here, and then some for most of my life, since I was in first grade. So I have had lots of time to learn how to work with it. But It never has went completely away, there is just good times and bad times and worse times. But you will learn how to make it more tolerable, and easier to get through the really bad times. And you might be one of the lucky ones that learns how to handle it all the time. It is in your mind, oh and by the way I have the pain in my breast bone too :) It is a very hard thing to live with, all the FEAR, and PANIC and ANXIETY and DEPRESSION, BUT..... REMEMBER, you are not alone we are all here with you, hopefully we can help each other learn new ways to deal with all of it. Use your brain for a min. THINK, how bad can your health be you took a 2 mile walk, without any problems, until you thought about all of them again. it only takes a few seconds for the FEAR and PANIC to grab hold of your thoughts and turn them into panic and fear again. Try saying NO, as soon as it starts, don't argue about it, JUST SAY NO!!! Like the commercial for drugs, just say NO, over and over, and there are a lot of different meds that will help you control all the panic and fear. You would be surprised what a difference the right one can make. I am agoraphobic, taking a pill some times is the difference in weather I can go to the grocery store or an appointment, or have to stay in all day. I can't go places like other people like movies or resterants or vacations, but I can do most of the things I need to do. So Hang in there, its a hard battle but you can win a lot of the times, and you will learn to control it so much better with each attack you get through. JUST SAY NO !!!! No argument !!!! Just say NO !!!! When the panic starts, or when the thoughts pop up, find a happy place in your mind and go there, some ones smile, anything that is a good thought or memory, Come on, work harder :) Good Luck :) You can do this, I no you can.

Evie18 profile image

I also have experienced this - feeling a sense of relief" wow I must be all better- no fear"only to be hit with the fears like a ton of bricks. There seems to be a little panicked person inside me - who will not be ignored. So, when I think everything is ok- the panicked side makes sure to let itself be known. I am starting to try something new-- when I feel ok- I say " isn't it great I am feeling good right NOW- at this moment! And, not think about it being gone for awhile or forever...

Moonmoo profile image

Me too, I get a good positive day and think yes my life's on track, I might be able to think of something to look forward too then bang I wake up the next day so low and anxious and like I no longer want to live. I try to accept it and let it wash over me. But I am scared. Scared of being alone. X

Agora1 profile image

Unfortunately you are not alone in how your body reacts to anxiety. First of all, give yourself a "high five" for doing the 2 mile walk. While you were walking it was brining up your endorphin level which made you feel good. When you got home and started thinking about what you just accomplished, you got scared and the whole scenario started again. Cold outside or not, you need to hydrate when you got back as well as maybe have a little something to eat. I hate getting that feeling and understand how defeated you feel. As others have said, say "no" to those feelings. Don't let the anxiety bully get the best of you. You are the one in control. Good Luck my dear

John12 profile image

I get this fine at work then once in the house wer me a be most relaxed its the worst it's not nice I hate it feel like I am existing not living

Shandapanda profile image

Oh man this sounds just like me. I was having a great day today until I started thinking about something may happen and then my chest got tight, I'm having twinges in my left arm and over all just feel run down. I hate this its like I can't ever have a good day, what you said is so right our brains won't allow us good days because we start to think oh we are having a good day something must be going on. Ugh.

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