Last few weeks I have been feeling faint... Light headed and very weak I had blood work ecg and ct scan on head and more I can't work I feel like I am going to pass out then I panic because I feel faint and dizzy/ light headed I take .25 mg of Xanax/alprazolam when needed but it comes back daily any suggestions?
Anxiety or something?: Last few weeks I have... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety or something?
I know exactly what you mean. There are day when I feel sure that I will faint and not wake up again. Because I had heart attack they thought the dizziness might be my heart not working properly so I had monitor. Nothing. Next week I will have head scan. I expect nothing again. There are several other possibilities apart from anxiety that may explain dizziness. Inner ear, sinuses, blood disorder - all are possible. My doctor is going through them one by one. So perhaps you should have those things ruled out too. It is easy to put things down to anxiety - sometimes it is more than that. I wish you well.
What were your symptoms wen u had the heart attack if u don't mind me asking x
There were no symptoms as such.For about 3 weeks beforehand I had ben feeling a bit dizzy most days, but I put it down to lack of sleep. Aprt from that I had no symptoms. I did not even recognise the first heart attack as a heart attack. I thought I was just having trouble breathing. It was next day when the same thing returned but this time with pain that i knew it was heart attack. Some people get pains in their arm and so on - I got nothing like that.
Hi there. I've had a similar experience when in April 2014 I felt extremely dizzy whilst out in the shopping mall. It just came out of the blue amidst active depressive symptoms in my life. I felt like I was going to pass out and could feel my heart beat and could not walk straight. I sought help in a shop and was taken to hospital in an ambulance. They checked me out and my blood pressure and sugar levels were fine. They sent me home but the dizziness and headaches and head pressure continued. I was terrified and could not go to work. I was admitted back into hospital but again they couldn't figure anything out. I has mri scan of the head and seen by the neurologist who said he could not detect anything. For my peace if mind, he agreed to follow through with another mri scan 6 months to see if there were any changes and there weren't. ENT ruled out any inner ear infection to be the cause. I was followed through by the cardiology unit in hospital who carried out tests and scans but again found nothing. Throughout those months I experienced extreme depression and felt "disabled" by the dizziness. From being a socially outgoing bubbly person, I lost confidence and became house bound completely hopeless of life.
I was off work 7 months and although I work....I am constantly dizzy although the severity/intensity fluctuates - I am always dizzy. It's very debilitating and sone days are a living nightmare as to simply function proves challenging and draining. I notice I sleep more....less motivation and weight gain.
Medics say it is a symptom of depression and anxiety....I am on anti depressants but the dizziness lives within me....
It's an awful vicious circle but if you try to focus on other things - it helps you get through it and the fact that even though you convince yourself that you're gonna paas out - you never actually do which hopefully should provide some reassurance that it is all in the mind and nothing physically wrong.
You are in my prayers....I would never wish this upon anyone ever....