Hi anyone elses anxiety really bad when they are stressed even its just something small you keep analysisng it so it becomes something major? I used to deal with stress so well now the slightest bit can make me anxious for days and I'm so emotional!! Xx
Stress...: Hi anyone elses anxiety really... - Anxiety Support

Try Rhodiola in capsules or extract for stress
That's me, I over think everything now so am anxious most of the time. I'm trying to eliminate as much stress out of my life at the moment in the hope my anxiety will calm a little. Also decided I need to try and surround myself with positive people not negative Nellie's who bring me down all the time and stress me out more x
Same here. I fought with my friend earlier & it screwed up my whole mood 😔 . I hate that on top of being anxious , I'm emotional too . I understand you ..😊 I try to meditate or sketch things in my book & I get calm
thank you for your replys i just dont know how to control my anxiety tonight =( x
Stress is my main trigger.Even something as stupid as having to make an optician's appointment stresses me out because I have to try to fit it in around work etc etc. Like the optician minds! They'll just fit me in whenever. But I completely understand how small things become a big deal in your head and then wham anxiety.
I find keeping warm and being in a place I feel safe (bed/sofa/my car are my top picks!) with a warm drink can help me relax. I won't lie and say it fixes everything, but it can give some comfort when things are totally shot.
Thank you worrymagic2013 its comforting to know others are experiencing the same problems though i hate hearing that as i know how hard it is. i dont have anywhere i feel safe at home as its the main reason i have anxiety so being at home is really not good for me but i have no choice =( i have a 3 year old so i coudnt take a walk last night as he was asleep but that does usually help... thank hun i need to find somewhere i feel safe x
I use to deal with stress also but I can't do it anymore, the littlest thing makes my body shake. I do take medicine for it, sometimes it help's I also fine myself crying a lot lately. Everyday I just stay home and say tomorrow I will go out but I don't. Just talk to your doctor and maybe he can help you. I wish you luck....