A friend of mine is really worried about her son (18). She believes he is depressed - girlfriend issues. He appears to show the signs and both my friend and her father suffer from depression during their lives. I mentioned this website that she could take a look because I had noticed young adults on here too. But what has struck me now is the number of young people with such anxiety in their lives. What kind of world do we live in when young people are afraid of being around each other, frightened to go out, frightened to take their first breathe every day. Makes me feel so sad.
Young people with anxiety: A friend of mine... - Anxiety Support
Young people with anxiety

Hi hope ur ok I suffer with depression it's not nice been to some very dark places before,my son who's 17 suffered just over a year ago with it over a breakup with a girl and tried to commit subside he was seen by the mental health team and given tablets to help him and sleeping ones and he had counselling thank god that helped him he's a lot better now he still has his moments when he feels a bit low but we talk him through it and he says he's enjoying life a lot better now hope ur friend manages tosort her son out its not nice seein anyone go through it espesaly young ones enjoy ur day
Thank you for your reply. Im so glad your son is working through his problems and is enjoying life a little more.
Yea, the only plus side is he 'talks' to his mam. which in itself is a good thing. He's not bottling it up inside.
I would give nothing to be young again in this world. Its hard enough having terrible anxiety and depression when you've experienced life's trials. but to be so young and have so many issues to cope with seems unbearable.
I wish you and your son a very happy life. and hope my godson manages to get through this time too.
You're not wrong there. I'm 24 and social anxiety and panic attacks have ruined my life to the point where it's not worth living - and doctors don't seem able to help or don't know how.
I've pretty much given up on ever having friends or someone I can talk to that isn't a doctor or someone on the Internet. Anxiety is the shittiest, loneliest and most unfair illness.
I'd donate limbs, kidneys and anything else just to go a month without anxiety or panic attacks, and just to have someone I could say was a friend for a little while.
I think people like me just need someone to be there, to have an active interest in helping them get better, and to be there unconditionally for them... And it sounds like your friends son has that founding step forward in the right direction already in place. Keep talking things through and helping him to cope and I hope he gets better soon x
Ah bless you. Take friendships from wherever you can. Whatever age. Sometimes us oldies are very good listeners. Smile and the world smiles with you - but we all know - behind every smile is a very sad story. Thank you for replying - you hv a new friend already x
hi Kimmy the answers are there is were to look for them your right the world is getting worse and its going to get worse than what we are seeing, i suffer from depression and to find out why we suffer you will be amazed to as to what you can learn we are all in the same boat has it were so to speak, but there is only one thing to do to find the answers to life big worries take care Alan
Mine peaked at 21/22
thought it had gone but . .
27 and its back with a vengeance.
Hopefully his mam can help him threw, just someone to listen without judgment is a great help.