This is the post you should read if you think you have worry going above your head!!
This is the post you should read if you think you have worry going above your head!!
CalmClinic is a good site.. and this is a really good article.... One of the points he makes that I REALLY agree with is: Trying to SURPRESS your thoughts makes them worse... this is SO true... "What you resist, persists" ...
A trick I use that helps is: when you are having scary or weird thoughts... mentally visualize yourself stepping back and just LOOKING at the thoughts... Say things such as "Well, they they are!" or "Boy, that thought was a doozy"... or "Good grief, that one is so weird its almost funny!" ...
Just not in a CRITICAL way...NEVER say: I should NOT think those thoughts! Don't criticize yourself!! Say, "Well, it will be nice when these thoughts go away" In the meantime, I am just going to rest my mind and then tell them "Anytime you want to leave...that's fine... Thank you for whatever good you MAY have wanted to bring to me...I bless you on your way."
Its extremely important not to condemn yourself or them. Some of this may seem silly to you. All I know is: it works for me. The thoughts are NOT going to kill actually, try to get to the point where you don't take them too seriously.