Nealy everyday I see specs of dots sometimes bright mostly a floating circle maybe multiple at a time I have been knockd of playing rugby also fracture my cheek bone but I see a blue blodge aswell could it be anxiety and the injuries what is doing it and will it pass when to stop worrying help
Anxiety And eyes is it anxiety: Nealy... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety And eyes is it anxiety

Hello John
I reply to your posts but never sure if they are helpful or if you have read your replies as I never seem to get an answer
I am sure though that as you have been thoroughly checked out if it was anything serious they would have picked it up by now so anxiety could be making this worse , the less attention you give it & I know it is never easy but things do settle down if you can
How is your OH ? are you a proud Daddy yet ? x

Yes I see your post / replies it's justbrealy hard to always believe it's just anxiety that's the hard bit and what's oh?? Yes I am a proud daddy
Oh Congratulations
If you do not mind me asking have you a Son or a Daughter ?
I know sometimes it can be a struggle to believe that this is what anxiety can cause but think realistically that if this was something really serious the chances are you would have known by now
Hope baby & Mum are doing well x

A baby girl and Ye jaut the geeling and the weirdness of them make me a weird panic realy scary I never used be able sleep but I am miles better now annoying when I can hear my heart and the sickly geeling way doesn't go and yes mother is fine wer home now
How Lovely John , she will grow up to be a Daddies Girl , little girls love their Dads
I know you have been to the Doctors with your eyes but what have you had in a way to support you with your anxiety ? I really think you would so benefit from some counselling , we need all the support we can get when we are struggling
The way your heart feels and the noise you hear is again very typical when you have anxiety
I would see what kind of support your Doctor could offer , I know things could improve for you & with a lovely little family that you have you really deserve some support so you can enjoy every moment watching her grow up x

Aww thank you and I did start cbt but work became to important so I cudnt get ther I could do with something but k thing compared to when anxiety first hit me k have come along way 😄x
Well I know sometimes we can several attempts at cbt before it works so if you keep struggling give it some thought about having another go , as I always say we have nothing to loose by doing so but just maybe something to gain
I hope you got some sleep especially with your new Daughter letting you no that she is about and needs your attention x
