Hi, this is my first time on here and I don't know if anyone will read this but I need help. About two weeks ago I started to self harm. I scratched the inside of my arm near my elbow with a pair of scissors. Daily I've been making about 20 marks but one day it got that bad that I made about 40 marks. On Thursday it was a week I've stayed clean. The first week staying clean was fine but the second week so far (which only started like 3 days ago) is absolutely terrible and really hard. For about 2 or 3 days my arm where I scratched my arm was/is itchy and sore. I don't know what to do. I really want to do it again but I'm trying not to but it's really hard.
Self harm. Help me, please.: Hi, this is my... - Anxiety Support
Self harm. Help me, please.

Please go speak with a professional about this issue. They can help talk you through it. We all have out coping mechanisms, many of which are more self destructive than good. Better days are ahead.
hi why are you doing it in 1s place what makes you wont to self harm?
I had a really stressful couple of weeks and then my parents are going mad at me for every I do and I just couldn't take it anymore😔
I keep trying everyday but right now it's getting a bit hard but I'm not giving up but thanks Whatnext
Hello sweetheart , take some deep breaths & try not to panic as I can hear the fear in your post
Be reassured you are not the first person to self harm & unfortunately you won't be the last but in a way it is good that you have recognized what you are doing is not the answer to whatever problems you have or you would have not posted , so well done posting the first step in getting back on track
Any habit or addiction we start that temporarily makes us feel better or in control of how we are feeling can be stopped we have to ask for help though & I would go & see my GP first thing tomorrow & tell them what has been happening & how you are feeling , please do not be afraid to go & see them , they come across this a lot & they will not think you are crazy or anything but will give you the support you need
Meanwhile keep any wounds clean & covered if bad so as to not get any infection in them
If you live in the UK the Samaritans are there just a phone call away if you feel talking to someone or just hearing a friendly voice would help there number is 08457 90 90 90
Post & let us know how you are & hopefully that you have been to see your Doctor
Take Care x
I have just read some of your replies & you can go to your doctor & depending on what age you are they will not tell your parents if y0u request them not to as it is private & confidential
Is there a teacher or someone if you are still at school you could confide in ?

Thank you tigger-

I'm 15 in April and I have this one teacher but I think if I'll tell her she'll have to tell another teacher and then my parents will find out😔
Please tell this one teacher , I started suffering with anxiety around your age , I did not self harm but did other things to try & block it out & years later I so wished I had told someone & got the help needed
If you feel you cannot tell this teacher even though she sounds nice & I would & you could discuss your fears about her telling anyone else & I am sure they could come up with something that suites what you want & feel comfortable with but at your age you could go to the doctors without your parents also
You really need to get some support & maybe it will be the support from your parents that might be the best support you will ever get but I can see relations between you seem a bit strained at the moment which is something that happens with teens & parents but with a 3rd party like a teacher involved this could help with this to
Let us know what you do & I hope you do speak up , I know you can do this x

Thank you
It is important and a very good sign that you have opened up to us about your feelings and also doing self harm on yourself.
I give you a huge amount of credit for that. Please continue to confide in us and also try to find someone outside your folks to whom you can speak honestly. If you go to a church, go to your minister.
We may not know you personally, but WE CARE !
hi there im really sorry you are having the urge to self harm urself for myself i did this once when i was young .you do need help and suport but i know it is not always easy to get started i hope you may find the streingth to see a doctor or someone to listen to you and to help you, i hope i am making sence as this is such a delicut subgect good luck.
Hi i just read your post i understand how you feel that happens with me too most of the time its better if you go doctors and get some support they will refer you to a clinic so people can help you an support you i hope this helps
I can't really go to a doctor cause that mean that my parents will find out but like I said before I have really good friends that support and help me get through this
Aside seeking professional help, there are other ways to transform that bad habit into either something different or even productive. Something to think about is what part of it calms you, the blood? The pain? Seeing the marks? Figuring out which part it is can better help you to get rid of the habit. By doing self-harm in order to feel better, your body adapts to releasing endorphines and you accidentally train yourself to need to hurt yourself in order to feel better. This is why people recommend working out instead--exercise releases the same pleasure chemicals. I've had people recommend trying to work out instead of hurting yourself, but I have a few medical problems that prevent me from doing that.
Best of luck!
Mostly it's the pain. It feels like your arms burning. It just gets rid of the emotional pain
As weird as this sounds, my grandmother recommended having me simply pluck hair from my ankles or somewhere where the skin may be a little more sensitive to pain--you get pain and it doesn't leave a mark or hurt you. It's helped me a lot. It definitely makes taking care of in-grown hairs a little easier too. I don't know if that just sounds weird or gross or if it's just something to think about, but I'm putting the card on the table.