Hey dose any one have the heart skip or like a nock in the chest. it takes my breath away for a second or two. I get like pains behind the ear not bad but like when I'm stressed an my ears feel like there fluttering in out with sound. I twitch in my sleep so bad it jerks me awake. My biggest problem is that I was a very active guy who loves working out an now I cant. Cause I get the skip beats or feel like my heart is going to stop at anytime. I had ekgs, stress test, Holter monitor, stress ego, everything came normally I just don't understand I'm still strong when I exercise an feel like I can go. but I cant get it out my head I'm going to die. my body take its own control an I loose control of everything can any one help. I'm a 26 year old male who thinks his heart is going to stop when I'm sleeping or working out.
Worried : Hey dose any one have the heart... - Anxiety Support

Hi help help, yes I've suffered for many years with these skipped beat and after one my pulse goes very very fast which I hate, also constantly worry my pulse is too high, like u iv had many tests which came back normal but picked up eptopic beats which is the this u feel, they say they harmless and everyone gets them and if u r nervous they can appear a lot because we r hyper aware of our bodies, I have the same fears as you that my heart will stop in my sleep or during the day, I also fear because it's always high that il develope heart disease, I read too much on the internet I just said to my sister yesterday I'm almost scared of living, I avoid all exercise even walking because when my heart rate goes up I start to worry, can't offer you anything but to let you know your not alone xx
Thank you so much to know I'm not crazy an these are real symptoms really helps me. Idk if I will over come around but i will try. thank you for sharing your symptoms with me. I don't sleep much anymore an I lost alot if weight. I went from 6,2 240 to 205 because I don't workout as much. I hear from my doctor I need to stay active an all but I'm to scared to take heart rate up.
I know exactly what you mean. As I am typing this my heart is all over the place. Missed beats extra beats etc. Feels like its going to last forever. I have also sort sanctuary by heading back home . I now fear going abroad cos had aten hour panic attack on a cruise ship following a force eight gale . I was the talk of the whole ship. We have to try and scan our symptoms. Are we having chest pain etc . I have a stomach bug at the moment so for three days my heart has been bouncing around. I drank a ice cold glass of water as recommended by a cardiologist. I have health anxiety and biggest fear is cancer or heart attack. Dont really know how i am coping at the minute as my sister is nearing her end of life anytime having been diagnosed with terminal cancer at Christmas. Please check out Professor Mark Williams Mindfulness. My mental health team suggested this and i have referred myself through them to take the eight week course
Please let me know how it goes this mindfulness
Idk what it is that makes us worry so much. But it's hard to let something go when 1 your having real symptoms an 2 you can't understand what it is. its just a reaction to something a doctor can't seem to pin point. In the end of the day yes we must die and it's a part of life but how do we live today if I feel like I'm dieing everyday an night. I have my days but as a huma I still need a push. people on here help seeing there are people like me helps me move fwd.
I really feel for you. I have that as well.