I am 36 yrs old and lived with anxiety all my life.. Started in my teens.. It's been off And on.. But the past couple of months!! I cannot shake it!! It's shaking me.. I started seeing a therapist.. I come to the conclusion I am afraid if dying!! But I cannot control the thoughts when they start.. I understand what each of you are going through.. I thought I was alone with the physical pains.aches,dizziness..head full of pressure,can breath it is very debilitating..
Want to be normal!!: I am 36 yrs old and... - Anxiety Support
Want to be normal!!
That saying " I want to be normal " I often ask myself what normal is & what it may feel like
Anxiety is dreadful when you are suffering & unless you have or are suffering you don't have a clue what every day can be like but I am really pleased you are getting some help & support this will help you get to the bottom & rationalize this fear of dying that you have which is very common among people with anxiety
Good luck with your progress with your therapist & overcoming your anxiety , you can & will make progress x
Thanks so much,, and you are right no one knows until they go through it! I try to keep strong cause of my kids but some days is like.. Ugh..but i am sooo tired of dealing with it!! And I am glad that I found this group!! To see that other ppl have the same symptoms!!
Seek out someone who does biofeedback. Also, do not have any caffeine. Exercise and what got me through it was listening to Deepak Chopra. I had it non stop for 6 years and now I control it if I ever get anxious.