Does anyone have any tips for relaxing aching muscles after a bad episode of anxiety and panic? It usually wears off for me after a few hours but about 2 days later my chest and back are still so sore. Thanks in advance
Chest and back pain: Does anyone have any... - Anxiety Support
Chest and back pain

I have hot baths and it helps I have constant chest pain back pain neck pain especially after eating when my anxiety is bad it has beet terrible today has put me in to Heath anxiety mode it's awfull but baths really help
Thanks for your reply. I'm starting to get a bit panicky that it's not going. It's like heartburn pain, but isn't easing.
My chest pain never seems to go away and it moves all over and I am relaxed its a crazy thing what anxiety can do I have been dealing with this for 6 years on and off .im male 36 very active 5foot 11 184 lbs you wouldn't think I would be a cantidate for heart problems I had stress test ECG and holter moneter 5 years ago and all was fine ... I have another app with a cardioligest in March for the same tests to be safe ...I have many anxiety symptoms very difficult to describe all of them ...anxiety is heck of a thing I'm gonna fight this monster till I win .
Lay out flat on your back Pop some earphones in and find some relaxing sounds on YouTube.
i dont know if anyone can relate to mine. But my chest feels someone's sitting on my chest 24/7. i get so uncomfortable when i sit for long. My back would then start to feel a bit of pain. Discomforting. At that very moment my mind would start that anxiety thoughts. what if this is a heart attack? what if my heart stops at this very moment? what if i just faint and never come back? All these questions come to mind. But what calmed me down was also knowing the fact that i've been through this situation before so i'm sure it's just my flight or fight response that kinda triggered the thoughts.
i'd do the breathing exercise. breathe in through the nose and out the mouth....slowly. i tend to focus on an object or try to think about the more happier moments i had recently...and that would take my mind away on the symptoms that i've just felt.
Im having back pain righr now my body is so tense amd sometimes I can feel my shoulder untensing itself and I can feel my muscles like relaxing I get it when im really stressed