I had protected sex (condom) on the 10/11/14 for the first time and then on the 11/11/14, it didn't last long and he didn't stay hard but it was sex. I had my normal period 29/11/14 to the 04/12/14, pretty normal for me and no difference in colour/amount. 3 pregnancy tests revealed negative also however I think I suffer from health anxiety. I pretty much didn't have a thought about pregnancy until I phoned the doctor about a sore neck and she asked about being sexually active and I started looking up symtoms. I suddenly started getting a bloated tummy (not fully sticking out but it feels different), I get a tight/tense abs on the upper part of my abs under my chest along with heart burn(I get that now and then), I also felt my face feeling flushed which comes back when I think about pregnancy. These symtoms gets worse when I think about it which is all the time. my central and somehow keep tensing and when I realise I relax them (I read abojt 4 hours worth of pregnancy forums ect)! really scared and feel physically sick thinking about it, please be honest on what yous think, is this Anxiety?
petrified : I had protected sex (condom) on... - Anxiety Support
I think you are dealing with anxiety here! The logical part of your brain will see that you've taken 3 tests etc and that everything is fine. Where as the anxious part of your brain is overthinking and making you more and more scared! The best thing I find when it comes to googling and looking on forums is just try and ban yourself! Find something else to do for an hour if you can. Take a relaxing bath or do some exercise! Googling is the worse thing I ever did and I had countless panic attacks from it. It's definitely one of the worse things you can do and you'll get nowhere by doing it you'll just get yourself worked up!
I think you are dealing with anxiety here! The logical part of your brain will see that you've taken 3 tests etc and that everything is fine. Where as the anxious part of your brain is overthinking and making you more and more scared! The best thing I find when it comes to googling and looking on forums is just try and ban yourself! Find something else to do for an hour if you can. Take a relaxing bath or do some exercise! Googling is the worse thing I ever did and I had countless panic attacks from it. It's definitely one of the worse things you can do and you'll get nowhere by doing it you'll just get yourself worked up!
I think you are dealing with anxiety here! The logical part of your brain will see that you've taken 3 tests etc and that everything is fine. Where as the anxious part of your brain is overthinking and making you more and more scared! The best thing I find when it comes to googling and looking on forums is just try and ban yourself! Find something else to do for an hour if you can. Take a relaxing bath or do some exercise! Googling is the worse thing I ever did and I had countless panic attacks from it. It's definitely one of the worse things you can do and you'll get nowhere by doing it you'll just get yourself worked up!
but then I see things like negative tests can be wrong and sometimes you just know your pregnant then that makes me think I am! can my physical symtoms be anxiety related? flushes, abdominal Tensing and bloating?
I am on Wednesday but it's so far away. if you look at my other posts before all the symtoms i had thinking I had ms and diabetes all went away through time and reassurance from my own mind and I'm guessing these sytoms are appearing from me expecting them? the more I think about the symtoms they come