Hi. I'm 23 year old female. I have been feeling VERY anxious EVERYDAY for the past few days. I'm tense throughout the WHOLE day, my head feels like there pressure, but no pain. My hands and feet sweat profusely all the time. I feel like my physical symptoms arise FIRST, then triggers my anxiety. I feel like I lost control of my mind and body. I weigh 100 pounds and I cannot eat and feel very nauseous. Does anybody know what helps to calm your body so it can RELAX?!?! I do not take medication and I really do not want to take any. I feel like my mother suffers from it and she's 50 years old and never took medication either. I just need to feel NORMAL!!!! It ruining my life!!! I want to laugh and be a FOODIE like I used to be!! I used to LOVE food and think about food all the time! Now my appetite is non-existent and I have to force myself to eat! Please, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Oh and by the way, I really can't go to the doctors or a psychologist/psychiatrist because I'm a broke, full time student without any health insurance. I just want these anxious feelings to disappear.