I've been taking anti depressants for the past 10 days and I'm getting a ringing in my ears will it stop or should I stop taking the tablets?
Ringing in ear: I've been taking anti... - Anxiety Support
Ringing in ear

Hello Compo
Now how long have you had the ringing in the ear?
Everyone gets it but never lasts long.
Hope your doing well
Yes hopefully,it gets worse when I take one. How you doing do you feel better or worse?
Hi Compo
You hanging in there?
I'm alright right now. Had a couple attacks earlier which are always no fun
Hope I sleep good tonight.
Well least your not having panic attacks all the time. It normally gets bad when I try and sleep but I'm listening to music and it's helping!
You seem lot Better than the other day
How often are you having attacks?
Do you fear going to sleep?
No i just having a ringing my ear my attacks were really bad I had one every ten minutes
Wow that's craziness. What were your symptoms?
Kept thinking I had something wrong with my heart or something else with my body but it was mostly my heart the attack seem to get better and better and don't really get them now. I only get 1 week. It sounds like you a improved from last time we speaker
Wow that's crazy. Mine is all based around my heart. Health anxiety is the worst. What symptoms did in have worrying about your heart?
Meh I'm alright. It's been a better day
Yeah i was worried that I was going die of an heart attack, I play a lot of sport and it stop me doing this because I wouldn't normally get dizzy and have a slow heart rate and heart palpiattions. I still get a slow heart rate but it's just your mind. Your heart heart is fine, mines is fine, I'm out playing football every day now. And the symptoms i got was usually was numbness in left arm, shooting pains in my chest, tightness of my chest,palpitations were the regular symptoms for me what's yours
You are improving this was like me, they were getting less and less till the point you do to think about