I've had a bad night and felt really light headed and shaky inside, today I've got a really bad head ache IRS on my forehead buts its like a cold tingling feeling anyone else had this don't feel good today, xx any advice would be greatful pls xxx
Bad head aches : I've had a bad night and... - Anxiety Support
Bad head aches

Hi Claire
Yes, it one of the symptoms of anxiety.
Don't know if you've been to your gp yet? If you haven't then get yourself checkout and ask to be refer for cbt.
It's the best thing I ever did
Also check out Headspace or calm.com
Hope this helps xx
Hi I've had CBT and see my doctor once a month and she says its anxiety, but its been really bad these past 2 day, I get like a warm feeling thro my body sometimes, is this a normal xx
Hi Claire
Sorry to hear your still suffering.I get the same feelings also a burning in my arms and legs.
Have you tried those roll on pain relievers or not sure if you can get patches.Worth a try,cod I'm sure,like me, you get fed up with painkillers when they don't seem to work.
Take care
Anne xxxx
Thanks for ur comments, I've tried them forehead strips they was OK but I ran out, have any ov yours ever had a warm rush feeling in ur body? As I'm getting it a lot, its getting me really down now, I need help as I feel like I'm cracking up xxx
Check your vitamin D levels

Do I go to my doctors for that? Its feels like someone is pressing on my forehead x
Go to your regular doctor and get a blood test. Have them check all of your vitamins including D and B12. Your D level should be between 50 -100 even though your test might show that 30 or higher is fine. You really need to be higher then that. 50-100 is best.Look for a forum about Vitamin D deficiency and you will see what people are saying. Good luck and feel better. I don't know if this is your problem but it is a simple blood test to find out.