I feel like I'm going to quit again:/ I want to make myself proud and finish school. I'm in school for phlebotomy and when we have lectures about illnesses I freak out I can't handle it. My health anxiety is the worst. They talked about melanoma, and I started monitoring every little mole. Then menengitis, I freaked out for weeks thinking I'm going to get it.(especially cause I'm always having a stiff neck and what not) then there's diabetes. Now I'm actually pretty sure I'm developing it. And I am trying to get healthy and lose weight now. But this anxiety is killing me. I can't sleep because I'm having shaking hands and they twitch. My heart is racing. I feel light headed and nauseated. I hate it. I even feel weird after I eat like I feel guilty cause in my head that one cheese burger can cause a clogged artery when I'm 50 yes old..I freak over everything
School: I feel like I'm going to quit again... - Anxiety Support
I can imagine how this will be affecting your HA , I would be feeling the same way to
I know you say you don't want to quit school again is this because it would make you feel you had failed or even though some accepts of the subject are upsetting you it is something you really feel passionate about doing as a job eventually ?
For me I have to look after my health , anxiety & so on first & sometimes that means I have had to turn my back on things but I try not to see it as failing but been sensible & doing what is right for me
Have you got someone you could talk to about how this is affecting you maybe the lecturer or your doctor ?
All the things you are feeling will be your anxiety but if you ask for some support it will help to give you some peace of mind & also it could help you to work out what direction in life in the long run will be best for you to
Keep talking on here as members see your post you will get lots of good advice
I really do like phlebotomy. I enjoy brawing blood I just hate the lecture part where they talk about illnesses:/
I would talk to your lecturer & tell them how this is affecting you , they no doubt will have come across it before & may have a way of working round it so it doesn't affect you as much
Let us know how you get on
Dear me - you could be describing me illa...
I'm just the same - someone mentions an illness and I'm off checking myself for symptoms.
I can sympathise SO much with how you're feeling.