I have such a hard time believing this is just anxiety. I feel miserable everyday, I just can’t accept that this is anxiety. My physical symptoms are so constant that I just feel like there’s something wrong. Does anyone else feel this way?? I have strong heart palps, dizziness/spacey feeling, I always feel like I’m about to faint or have a seizure or something, I feel like I don’t even control my body sometimes. Like I’m on auto piolet, this might be part of depersonalization but I don’t know (if anyone has this and can describe how it would feel that would be helpful). It’s kust so sad. I just graduated college and I worked so hard to graduate cum laude, I was so positive and hardworking at first and my last two years I would have panic attacks at school and couldn’t focus on school because my body was causeing crazy symptoms i fucused on instead. I paid a lot of money and spent a lot of time studying to have a job where I can make a difference and love, and now I feel like I can’t even be in a classroom teaching because I’ll have too many physical symptoms a and panic. I just feel so defeated by this. How can anxiety do this? I can’t even go to work feeling comfortable, I can’t go in the car with my friends cause I always freak out internally and feel like I need to escape and then get lightheaded, I get derealized when I drive, it’s just a lot. I was on meds but went off cause they didn’t work. My doctor put me back because after blood work that looks good, he thinks my anxiety is just coming back strong. I wish he would do more tests like a heart scan or head scan so I can be reassured. I feel like I can’t work on this as an anxiety problem until I’m reassured it’s not physical, they symptoms are just so much sorry for the long lost, I just needed the vent and get some frustration out. Happy to talk if anyone can relate to this post.
Just need to vent I think: I have such a... - Anxiety Support
Just need to vent I think

Hi, I understand exactly how you feel. I have suffered from anxiety, panic and depression for many years. I literally make myself do the things that make me uncomfortable. I keep telling myself “so what”. What’s the worse case scenario? That seems to help me put my symptoms aside. I’ll pray for you and hope you feel better.
Hi, I thought the same as you “it’s not anxiety”. I’ve had every test under the sun all came back fine. Anxiety causes all sorts of physical symptoms it’s awful I know. I’m on meds they help but not 100%. Your not alone.
I've actually been getting these symptoms a lot recently too. Do you experience head pressure also or any odd sensations in your head?
Head pressure! Omg thought i was the only one with this. And odd sensations, headache that hangs around for days, you think what next is going to happen to me.

True! I've had head pressure in a couple of spots for months and it's so agitating. And then I'll get this feeling that I have hot liquid in the entire left side of my head randomly throughout the day. I'm always scared asking myself, "when is that feeling going to come again?" It definitely makes me suffer.
Like a head rush right?

I'm not sure if that's the correct term for the feeling, I actually always wondered if it was like a 'brain zap' but I don't think that's right. Is a head rush a feeling of hot liquid all through the left side of your head (sometimes all over, or just the right side?) It would be nice to put a name to this feeling.
Yep I know what you mean
Leopard 45. Yes I've had all the symptoms you mentioned, and then some. I insisted on test after test and they all came back normal. My symptoms are gone now thanks to CBT. Your question re: derealization. I had it 3-4 times at various intensities, and each time felt slightly different. The worst one was when I was walking alone through a park on a beautiful summer day. I became short of breath, racing heart, pressure in my ears... and then the derealization. It was like I was in a dream and the people, kids and dogs in the park were not real and kind of two dimensional - and threatening somehow. I thought I was going to go crazy and that everyone could see that I was teetering on the verge of it (of course they couldn't). I needed to get out of there fast. And it felt like the ground was coming up and the sky was coming down...like the world was caving in on me. I have also experienced visual disturbances like I'm watching a film and only catching every fourth or fifth frame... just very choppy and not smooth. The scenery, especially tall buildings, seemed to sway and warp. I too could not believe it was due to anxiety and not a serious medical condition. You need to work on this but you also need testing to reassure yourself that you are ok physically. Everything you described sounds like anxiety to me because I've been through it and I now know, but you need to convince YOU. Honestly if I hadn't had all the normal test results I'd likely still be suffering from the symptoms cause I'd still have doubts. I'm not saying that the tests will instantly reassure you (oh no, they won't) but after time and the right help they will play a significant role in you getting better.
Hello. I think most of us can relate, you need to know that you are not alone in this and that we are all here to talk and help each other! I went through exactly what you are going through. I think I would still be going through it if my doctor hasn’t put me on medications. Medications do help for now, but also distracting myself and facing my fears. My Small victories are: I went out for a coffee with a friend, I was in the shop buying some milk while my bf was waiting for me outside (still not comfortable being alone), I drove myself to my psychology appointment (it is 10 min drive but still I was so afraid). That’s what I’ve done this far. College starts next week and I will se how I’ll be doing. But all I can do is have faith. I went through the worst. I thought I will die, I will sleep and not wake up, I will have a heart attack or stroke, I will suffer and so on and so on. I went to the ER every singe day for 3 weeks, until I was diagnosed with panic disorder. I was also arguing with my psychologist about physical symptoms as it was not logical to me either. He explained to me that stress triggers physical reaction (chest pain or other types of pain, headaches, back pain, muscle tension, shortness of breath ect.) it didn’t seem logical, but all I could do is believe him, since other doctors told me I was just fine. I have done CT scans of my head and lungs, multiple echocardiograms, EKGs, ultrasounds ect. and even when my EKGs were showing high beats per minute, they told me it’s only from anxiety because if there was a problem, parameters would be different. If you really want to go through it then ask your doctor to reffer you to other specialists. But please bear in mind that I, and I’m sure many others, went through this and in most cases of anxiety symptoms are similar and things do get better with practice and time.🙏
Same here all the symptoms you feel... I also am very weak a lot of times ... feel shaky inside... get head rushes and just so many weordnshnptoms I can’t descrobe ... it’s torture... my dr gave me Zoloft and I’m afraid to start it
I feel the exact same way as you.my symptoms are also constant with no respite.
I have faint,lightheaded feelings all day.some days I just have to sit down all day.and the heart palpitations are horrendous.and skips and thuds.i too have been told for years it’s all anxiety but this bout is the worst I’ve ever had and I now don’t leave the house.
Your not alone.
Bless your heart! Yes it is anxiety. I have had every test they could possibly do and everything comes back normal. I must be the healthiest 60 year old woman in the US. Everyday I battle the thoughts that I have some terrible disease or that I am going crazy. I have finally started have some good days here and there where I feel like my old self but them I will wake up full of anxiety and they cycle starts over again. It is unbelievable how anxiety can make you feel. My mind will start racing and I cannot think a logical thought. Please know you are not alone and it is more than likely anxiety.
hi everyone going thru the same as you guys my sleep has been sooooo off and u knw they say when you sleep your body recovers i wake up every few hours and sometimes cannot go back to sleep i think im even getting the flu my body is so achy my head has weird sensations headaches aches and pains chest pains everything im just praying to get over this cycle its a torture.
I am so sorry you are dealing with this. This is a difficult situation. If you feel like you should have a heart or a head scan, you should tell your doctor! Or go to a doctor that specializes in that. Anxiety is a very difficult thing to deal with, especially when you are dealing with other problems with your heart. I really hope your doctor understand or that you find a doctor that can help you!