Felt like i was gonna die this morning. How do i stop these feelings? are they normal? i feel impending doom. Fear and my mind have taken control over me.
Scared! please help!: Felt like i was gonna... - Anxiety Support
Scared! please help!

hi rushaine, sound very much like you have had a panic attack , ( anxiety ), first you must start to breath in through your nose, & out through your mouth, try taking your breaths slowly, your anxiety will pass, your thoughts will return to normal, if it goes on for too long always go to see your doctor, & tell him exactly what you have said in your post. hope this works for you. love jasper xx

i have been to er many times. i'm physically well. thanks for your advice btw
Hi rushaine..Yes with anxiety what you are feeling is (normal). Anxiety shuts down most of the higher thinking process of the brain It isolates your thinking into fear and panic I know because I have been where you are right now. And when your in the state of mind you are in it does seem like a death is coming because what else could it be right. But its just the anxiety it can't kill you and it will pass ... If your still online and if you need to talk message me ... steve
I'm online now. i was actually diagnosed with panic disorder. im on no meds but started therapy. i literally felt death earlier. i got fearful,shaky and my heart rate went up as my breath shorten. alot of negative thoughts start to run through my mind all at once. I went to er many times.I'm good physically. i even did blood work. i think fear has taking me over.
I had a episode 6 weeks ago that made me go to the emergency room.. It was like nothing I had ever experienced in life. I had lost control over my mind and body.. Scared the living bejesus out of me.. thankfully I haven't experienced another night like that. I realized after that I need to look into medical help and my GP came up with the right meds for me But i still have to deal with all the underlying symptoms of the anxiety . I wish you all the best much love steve
thanks.i'm actually in weekly therapy. i have not had a PA as bad as the first one though. i no longer go to the emergency room no matter how bad it is. been there and the docs cant do much about it.
Agree totally..... Hospitals here in Canada are basically useless to someone with stress anxiety related problems.. other than (talk therapy) with a Psych nurse.. I built up to a melt down... and when I saw what was available in the treatment... I would rather take a more holistic way of recovery. But these panic anxiety are terrible aren't they. take care steve
You sound just like me. I went to er yesterday after thinking I was having a heart attack. Took them 2 hours to calm me down. :(. I'm on therapy from next weds I take deizepam if things get to out if control. It works very well but I only take it when all else is lost lol
i see. sounds funny but i usually get relief when im around doctors or in private hospitals than just home alone. how has therapy been?
I'm going trough an episode right now I have a possible cold or sinus infection I have a lot of hard phlegm and it makes me feel like I'm suffocating or at any given moment I'll drop dead everyone is telling me it's just a bad cold
I'm trying to ride it out I know I'll get better and that's what keeps me going I'm just looking for that ray of sunshine
Hugs yaz

Hey yaz. same thing happen to me last week.... got all stuffed up with tons of phlegm... and have had the stuffed up nose lately ....could just be pollen allergies for me. steve
It feels horrible doesn't it?
I was thinking pollen was the culprit it's windy here where I live and the ground black top is yellow with it
I just never felt it this bad before. I had the nose stuffiness about two weeks back it was bad and then I got a sore throat that over night became this bad chest congestion
Hope you feel better soon
Hugs yaz