Help please?! Really scared: Hello I have... - Anxiety Support

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Help please?! Really scared

15 Replies

Hello I have ectopic beats sometimes where your heart skips a beat I saw a cardiologist and told me this is fine, I've had them loads. Just then I had a huge one. It was like a massive thump in my chest I've never had it that strong before it took me a couple of seconds to get over the shock. Anyone ever had real strong ectopics? X

15 Replies

hi maria x for all i cannot answer your question and say this happens to me on the scale your explaning i do get the smaller flutters as i call them x i usually find if im listening out for them they seem to be louder and more noticable but once im calm i totally forget they exsist x as long as you have been assured there is no underlying problem maybe try to focus on somthing else? or try some breathing techs x hopefully they will become less noticable and frequent xx donver xx

I'm really trying. I'm getting the week long tape tomorrow to put my mind at rest but I still just find it so hard to accept that my heart does these crazy things xxx

I have had it before hun , it gives you a right shock , & its frightens you , but its anxiety , as you are feeling stressed tonight as well this will be the cause

Try to believe them , your heart is fine , keep telling yourself & keep remebering you have been given the all clear

Hope you relax soon when you do it will stop




I only got one strong thump in my chest then everything back to normal, it just makes me feel awful. I rang out of hours - annoyed at myself for giving in but I was so scared about how strong that one ectopic was. The dr wasn't great to be honest he just said to see how I go with my tape this week and speak to gp. I just wanted reassurance that sometimes people do get really strong ectopics. Felt like I'd been punched in chest :( xxx

Bigguy profile image

Just found this site think its great think your having symptoms of panic are you stressed

Not really, I've had missed heart beats for years I get them randomly all the time, but tonight I had a really strong one and it really scared me. Rang out if hours n dr wasn't concerned but I now can't sleep cuz I'm alert about anything happening with chest

Bigguy profile image

I'm not a doctor but sounds like the same thing I had before Xmas still get it and I've just had a panic attack tonight I'm sure that's what it is does it feel like you have swallowed air

Try a nice hot milk not tea hope that helps think I might do the same

Bigguy profile image

I hope that helps

My heart does skip a beat sometimes and I feel it, drs have told me its fine tho. Just tonight it was particularly bad n it scared me. I get pain in chest and arm too but I never feel panicky or anxious that's y I find it so hard to accept as anxiety. I've seen specialists so I need to believe them but when it happens it's do hard to rationalise it. N then after it happens I panic. I would love a hot milk - unfortunately I'm allergic to milk lol x

Rosylilac profile image

Hi Maria. I had an Echo and 24 hr ECG back in the summer because I was getting these ectopic beats and the cardiologist said it was absolutely fine, totlly benign. I too had the odd big one that made me feel like I was going to pass out, he also said that was fine and very common and again normal. Try not to worry xxx They would have found something if you had a problem.

Thank you :) just saw my dr as I had a week long ECG fitted today. She said to see how I go n maybe give me citalopram when I get it off. Also been referred to a help group about anxiety. As my only symptoms are heart related its hard to deal with x

neverthere profile image
neverthere in reply to

Hi Maria,

I don t think you should worry about it at all.I had funny heart beats ever since I had anxiety but,never turned out to e anything.Try not to listen to your heart beat.They put a monitor to my ex wife last year even though she never had anxiety,she was going through hard times,nothing came out.I believe it s the most common thing.If you are aware of your thoughts and you catch them as they come to your mind,question how real they are.I m sure you have a good heart full of love not anxiety :)

Hi love, just to reassure you I also get them and now and again they are strong and I feel like il faint. I too have been told I'm fine and agree with the above if you don't think about them you don't notice them.

I hope you feel better today and hopefully you'l feel reassured that its not an underling condition.

Love h2b x

Thank you for your advice! I have this uncomfortable heart monitor on now it's so annoying lol. Feeling a bit better - exhausted after no sleep last night so I hope ill sleep tonight xx

katrgirl1998 profile image

Do the monitor but I am sure your test will come out fine. Anxiety heightens everything. I’ve been there. Mine have caused my breath to catch for a fleeting second. I had an echocardiogram and all is fine. When they tell you you’re okay after tests, believe them. Keep yourself busy so that you are not focusing on it, that helps a lot, do something you really really enjoy. Hang in there.

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