Hello. I have being experiencing anxiety and panic attacks for about 3 weeks now. I dont want to get hooked on any an anti-depressants. Will therapy be just as effective? How can i find ways to calm myself when i feel panicky? Sometimes i feel like i will pass out or die. any reply will be helpfull for me, thank you.
Will therapy help panic disorders? - Anxiety Support
Will therapy help panic disorders?

Hi rushaine,there are lots of things you can do to try and help yourself,deep breathing,slowly in through the nose,out through the mouth,listening to music,some form of exercise,I go for a walk.There's an app called headspace to download,free for 10 days then a small monthly fee.Also Mindfulness,an app and books,
I have therapy and I must say I'm finding it so helpful only had 2 sessions so far,but glad I asked for it.Like you I don't want to take meds.
The feeling that your going to die,or pass out are familiar to a lot of us.Hope this helps xxx

Thank you so much lowtongirl. Great advice. So your not taking no meds either? I just took xanax once. I also see my self making alot of improvement. I no longer get anxious when i feel one coming on but instead relax and ride the feeling.
Your welcome,glad to hear that you seem to be coping well.No I don't take meds for anxiety,was prescribed diazepam a few months ago,only a few to get me through a bad time,but decided against taking them,and got through with help and advice from people on here.It was after my last panic attack.Im so glad I found this site.xx

Well you are not alone. Right now i am just recovering from a panic attack.
Awful arn't they,I've not had one for a while thankfully.Hope you recover quickly xx

Wow! Your lucky! i hope so too. Its been about 3 weeks since i start having them . I'm 18
I started last September,had a massive attack which triggered my anxiety.Had another three since then,last one in January.I do have episodes of anxiety,and I'm learning to deal with these.They are still worrying,even when you know what it is.I live in the uk,where are you?

I had my first therapy session today and it went well. Seems like i can get cured afterall. I live in jamaica.
Hi Rushaine.
As Lowtongirl says therapy is a very helpful thing in the battle against anxiety,to find which type best suits you have a word with your doctor.
I will do that kenny thanks for the advice.
Give therapy a go if they are a good therapist they will hopefully give you strategies for coping with your anxiety and suggest ways to make it easier.