Anyone online? Panic attack :(!: So worried... - Anxiety Support

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Anyone online? Panic attack :(!

PinkCookie profile image
28 Replies

So worried right now, worried about school tommorow, worried about my parents arguing, giving me a panic attack and horrible pains that are freaking me out even more :(

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PinkCookie profile image
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28 Replies

Hi pink cookie,are you trying your coping aids to try and calm down and relief your anxiety.I try to get out for a walk,do deep regular breathing,in through the nose hold for a count of 5 then out through the mouth,I also listen to music and play games on my iPad.Seems to help me.Can you go to your room,or can you still hear your parents there.If so maybe a walk,just to get away from it may help.x

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to

Thankyou so much! Late reply i know but i did listen! Just got back from a very long walk with the dogs just sat in the hills was so relaxing but got a bit dark so decided maybe i should get back and do homework!

in reply to PinkCookie

Glad your feeling better,it's a difficult time at school as I presume your taking exams next term.Dont forget you may be able to get extra time for each exam due to your anxiety,it's worth looking into.have a goo nights sleep,if you can,Keep us up to date about how your getting on xxx

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to

Thankyou! Yeah i am then supposed to be doing a levels not so sure now! I will look into that never thought of it! I hope so up at 6 ;( thankyou for your help! This sites very helpful in coping, i never used to do such relaxing things to cope and ended up doing things i regret!xx

in reply to PinkCookie

There have been times I couldn't have coped without the people on here.Do look into the extra time,I know from experience with family members ,you can get this,I'm sure one of your teachers will be able to point you in the right direction.

Have you downloaded "headspace",it is so get a free trial to see how you go with it.I also have an ebook called mindfulness which I downloaded from the kindle store at amazon,and that was free.Good luck with school tomorrow,I know it will be hard for you face everyone,but try the breathing before you go,and I'm sure you can listen to music on your way there.Will be thinking of you xxxx

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to

Definitely ill ask tomorrow if i manage the day ill probably walk out again :/ no i havent ill download it :)! Thankyou so much hope ill get back on track and not fall back into how i used to be :/xx

in reply to PinkCookie

Let me know how you get on.Good or bad xxx

in reply to PinkCookie

Just had another thought,do your teachers know about your anxiety and panic attacks?if not,make them aware,help is available for vulnerable students.Take all the help you can xxx

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to

One does although she is not helpful at all shes head of year she said she would sort something out but hasnt in 5 weeks :/ thankyou ill let you know!xx

in reply to PinkCookie

Don't want to pry,but would your mum or dad be prepared to talk to your teachers to get them to sort something out for you ?

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to

No its fine ;)! Hm they might do actually if i ask just really dont want to go straight back into lessons after that panic attack! Ill ask them ;) xx

in reply to PinkCookie

Good luck Hun,as I said I'll be thinking about you in he morning xxx

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to

Thankyou! And for your help today finding new ways to cope everyday! Which im sur my family is pleased about aha didnt realise how good some other techniques were!xx

in reply to PinkCookie

Yours welcome.You'll get lots of help and support here,people are so good xxx

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to

Yeah :D so glad i found it, kinda turned my life around reading othets posts and getting advice which i know im only 16 but i didnt always cope this way so more relaxing and probaly safer!xx

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to





in reply to bepete

Only too happy to help if I can,I knew something about the help vulnerable students can get because of a family member's experience.

Enjoyed our chat too,I was gld to hear about your phone calls and visits this afternoon,even if it did mean you missed the Harry Potter lol

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to

Morning anne ,,,

Its the day of my first adult education coarse, and im bricking it ( literally ).

My stomachs churning and im feeling light headed !!.

Its a life coaching coarse!, confidence and assertiveness.


Hope the kalms tablets kick in by 1 pm ?.

in reply to bepete

Morning Pete.You sound just like me when I have to do anything new.I get the same symptoms ! I'll bet when you come out you'll wonder what you were worrying about.

It sounds an interesting course.Let me know how is went,will be thinking of you x

I'm sure the Kalms with help x

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to

Don't know what I will be like tomorrow, ive another coarse then !.

Ive been to the loo about six times already !

Calm down man calm down!!!!.

bepete profile image
bepete in reply to

Well anne !.

I went to where the coarse was taking place !.

Only to be told it was cancelled, because there weren't enough people participating !.

They said they had sent an email out , but I never got it?.

nor a phone call.

So I had a wasted journey ,two taxis and a ten mile round trip!.


I have another coarse tomorrow, and then one on Friday .

but these are fully booked , so ill be ok!.

So now ive gotta find something to do with the rest of the day, !.


Post this letter and then , nip to the shop , I deserve a bar of chocolate for all this hasstle !!!.

LOL !!!!!

pete x

in reply to bepete

Hi,I've just got home,had to go to Warrington,such a shame that you had all that stress for nothing this morning,but on the good side you made it there.

Isn't it so easy to say they've sent emails,when they haven't!

With tomorrow's and Fridays full you shouldn't have a problem with that.

I'm at my mums tomorrow and Thursday,so I won't be about much till Thursday evening,but let me know how it goes and I'll answer you as soon as I can.Enjoy your choccies,always a good plan for making you feel better xxxx

fadedlizard profile image

Hello :)

I'm here. Curled up on sofa feeling really rough with what I know is HA but it feels like the end of everything. Oh and yes, I'm worried about school in the morning too. Shame I'm a member of staff!!!!

Try to relax and distract yourself if you can.


PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to fadedlizard

Aww sorry hope you feel better soon! Just as i start feeling a bit better in the holidays its back to the stress of schools and exams :(!

shadow45 profile image

HI pc It will pass... sorry to hear your parents are arguing Can you sort out why you are worried about school... is it something that may not happen. Your pain may be because your body is tensing up lowtongirl is right.. just try and remove yourself from the stress zone. Have to had panic attacks before?. Hope this helps a little keep posting if you need to steve

PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to shadow45

Thankyou! I had a massive panic attack at school about 5 weeks ago felt so silly! Ran out in front of everyone! Took the next 3 weeks off working from home now the 2 weeks holidays is up its time to go back! Yeah ive had a few :( thankyou for advice x

fadedlizard profile image

Glad you're feeling a bit brighter :)

I've had anxiety since I was your age too and it's a real pain when you're at school.

I found a book called "Living with IT" by Bev Aisbett really helpful. I still refer back to it today. It tells you all about panic attacks in cartoon firm and it really helped me come to grips with what was going on. You'd be able to get a copy off Amazon.

Best Wishes for tomorrow.



PinkCookie profile image
PinkCookie in reply to fadedlizard

Thankyou will look into it! Glad to be finding better ways to cope with it, its so hard being at school and living in a stressful family just hope i can beat this xx

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