Is it just me or does anyone else feel to anxious to sleep? I'm waking up through the night and I feel as if I'm not ere like I no my eyes are open but It feels as if there closed and I'm in a dream anyone experience this with ht flushes? Xx
To anxious to sleep :(: Is it just me or... - Anxiety Support
To anxious to sleep :(

All the time. Anxiety can possess itself in many ways. I still have a fear of going to sleep knowing that I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night multiple times. You just need to overlook it, be strong. Anxiety attacks can happen any time, sometimes even while you're sleeping. Its happened to me plenty of times. You need to sleep, everyone does. If you don't get a good nights sleep, meaning their are interruptions, etc; your anxiety is going to amplify. Talk to your doctor about maybe seeing if he can prescribe a sleeping pill. If you're self conscious about taking medication, that's fine too, try staying up a little late (around 1-2am) then go to sleep and see if you sleep through the night, chances are you will. It worked for me when I did it. Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways. You just need to relax and reassure yourself "There is nothing wrong with me, I am strong and capable, I have a good future ahead of me" Anxiety can be dealt with. Seek counselling, I see a counselor this upcoming Thursday. Get all your problems off your chest.
- Relax and don't worry! - Andrew Maurizio
Yes! Of course it can! Anxiety makes you worry and worry, pretty soon you start imaging symptoms. You can feel light headed, having blurred vision, etc. I had anxiety where I kept thinking I was going to have a seizure! It's pretty insane! However, this amplifies the strength of the human mind. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If it's an enemy, you have to train it. That's where the counseling will come in. Trust me, it helps A TON! Just being able to talk to someone can alleviate SO much anxiety, its insane. Also, I suggest getting eye wash, as your eyes might be dry. Just put some of the stuff in and your eyes will feel refreshed. Anxiety can make people feel like they're dying, it can manifest itself as many things, trust me. I've suffered with it since I was a kid and it's no fun! Utilize your family to talk to, don't be afraid or ashamed!
- Relax and think of the positives! - Andrew Maurizio
No problem! Anything I am currently going through exactly what you're going through and I know it sucks. As far as I know, its impossible to "trick" yourself into having a seizure, believe, I would've done it by now lol. Just relax, take a nice warm bath!
- Feel better, post here anytime you feel anxious! Good luck!!
Just wondering if some of the anxiety is a result of having a 7 week old baby. Have you got support and help. Looking after a 2 1/2 year old is exhausting enough but having a new baby to care for as well I don't know how your doing. I'm helping to bring up my 14 week old grandson with my daughter ( long story) and I find my anxiety has increased.
Hi nanaber ye I get a lot of help with both of them but now I'm struggling to sleep through the night I just get a fear that I'm not going to wake up or something also this morning I woke up and when I moved around my arms went all weak I tried lifting myself up n I struggled is this due to anxiety ? Xx
I'd say so pet. You have to keep saying to your self over and over again that your a young healthy person and your doing great. When my little grandson was in hospital i keep saying to myself and my dd that he was a healthy baby with a virus. If you tell yourself something often enough you believe it. I do hope this anxiety lessens for you soon