as usual I'm up at night its currently 1:54 am and I'm feeling sluggish trying too stay calm and not think too much into it ,I was having a somewhat good day today saw my therapist things went well next appointment is April 3rd it feels so far away My stomach is feeling weird right now my right shoulder is bothering me and of course my body in general feels weird
I'm trying not to let it get to me i really don't like my health anxiety or whatever it is.. :/ hows everybody?
Cant go too sleep...: as usual I'm up at... - Anxiety Support
Cant go too sleep...
Try and put your mind onto something else. I have a quick question for you seeing as you like video games. Can you recommend any games for a 10 yr old boy?
Take care x
thanks winter I will try, oh yeah I'm more then happy too first off what console does he have?
Sorry for the late reply, I was trying to take my mind off things by the dreaded ironing!! I really dislike ironing!
if he has a XBOX360 I would go with lego marvel super heroes it just came out and its pretty fun, its also on playstation 3, minecraft for the xbox360 is good too!!
Sorry I forgot to put which one! It's a ps3!!!!!!! X
He has downloaded minecraft!!! Thanks for the other one lego. I will have a look x
Hey look at you in the pic , nice to meet you
Lovely GF to
Well you cant go to sleep , we are all up & I am trying to wake up at the moment !!!
I read your reply in your other post & its lovely to see you answering on here
I can see the age you are at why you need to be referred to an adult therapist now & sorry this involves another wait but it wont be long it will soon come round !
She was right about changing our thinking pattern & if you can do this sooner rather than later then it is easier but not sure when she says if not then there is not much hope , so many of us have changed our thinking pattern after suffering for years , it may make it a little harder but still it can be done
Now your stomach will be your anxiety
Have you eaten well today ?
Try & distract yourself from your thoughts by maybe thinking what you are going to do tomorrow , anything rather than focus in on how your body feels
Hope you get some sleep soon
haha well thank you why why , I finally figured out how too change the profile pic haha.
thats right you guys are in the UK well good morning!
yeah the wait is gonna be bothersome but I'm sure everything will be okay!
well i ate kinda not that good today i guess and I didn't really get too eat dinner so yeah maybe thats why I'm gonna try and run tomorrow get some exercise in cause I haven't been back too the gym since my shoulder and neck is still hurting and I'm picking up a new video game tomorrow hopefully i have enough money ha.
And on a good note me and my family have been renovating our new home almost done with my parents room then the kitchen is next!
Someone as young as you should have figured out how to change the pic ages ago , you young ones are supposed to be technical are you not
Nice pic
I have a son who will be 20 in May , he has a GF to !
So what game are you buying , he likes his XBOX he had that new one they brought out at Christmas
Have you thought maybe to help distract you & keep you busy & it will look good on your CV of doing any voluntary work
It could be good for you ( just a thought )
Hi there
Have you tried mindfulness?
There is a very good website that a few of us have checked out and doing everyday. It's called Headspace. It has lots of information and handy tools to use on a daily basis.
Hope this help, take care xxx
Ill try it yummi! thank you I'm on the website as I'm writing this!

Good luck with it, hope it works hunni xxx