On the surface if you didn't know me you'd think I had everything a girl could want,I live in a beautiful area in a lovely house,I have a loving partner who allowed me to retire at aged 42 last year and do what I like basically,I'd trade all this though for the baby we both desperately want,we have tried Ivf and I've had several operations but to no avail,we are now going down the adoption route but I'm still so desperate to get pregnant,sometimes I just can't stand it and I feel in a very dark place,it's hard to see other people with babies and not feel envious,I try and stay positive but today is not one of those days,just feeling desperately unhappy...
Not so great: On the surface if you didn't... - Anxiety Support
Not so great

Must be so hard for you joanna. It will happen for you one day I'm sure. xx

Thanks so much for your kind words,I really appreciate it xx
I cant even begin to think how it must feel to want a baby so much and not be able to do so especially whan you obviouslly have so much love to give.Sorry just wanted you to know I had read your post.
I can only imagine how you feel
I was blessed & have 3 wonderful children that are now adults & materially I could say I am lacking a bit but I wouldn't change anything I don't have for my children they have & always will be my world
I don't want to sound religious because I am not but I believe that some things are planned out for us in life & there is maybe a little baby out there that needs a Mum like you & if you were not going down the route of adoption then they wouldn't be blessed with having you for a parent as I can tell you are going to be a fantastic Mum
I have a friend that adopted the most gorgeous little boy a couple of years ago , his wife couldn't have children but their little boy is adorable & has made their life complete
Also I have lost count of how many people I know that have adopted & then the next minute they are pregnant themselves when they have been told or thought it would never happen , so who knows what life may hold !
I wish you all the luck in the world

Hey why why
Your reply has just reduced me to tears but happy ones,I know what you say is true,I'm just having one of those days I'm afraid,will plaster a smile back on my face tomorrow and get on with things,we have friends also that have adopted and I know it can be very fulfilling,it's just because I have unexplained infertility and I'm apparently healthy,the frustration gets too much sometimes,thanks for being there,you're a star!!! Xxx
Just wanted to say that I read ur post and I'm so sorry u r hurting. I cant begin to imagine how u feel. Sending u hugs . Xx
Hey Joanna
It will happen for you my lovely. Keep positive and believe it with all your heart. Don't ever give up on your dreams. That little bundle of joy will arrive one way or another. All the very best to you and your partner. X
Hi Joanna,
I think on the surface most of us have a good life. When I make a list of the things I am grateful for they far out way the negative. But it's always the negative we focus on, you have a positive option, adoption. I know it's maybe not exactly what you dreamed of but I think being in the position to offer a child in need a home and love is a gift in its self. Many blessings x