About early december of 2013 when i was on my break I woke up one morning and was feeling normal. When i was making breakfast I realized I wasn't seeing well, as if i was missing a part of whatever i was viewing. Shortly after i started seeing a small, flashing line with a zigzag pattern. Over the course of minutes the line grew and i couldn't see the bottom portion of my vision. I panicked but it quickly left as it came. Minutes later i got the most painful headache i have ever experienced. It felt as if the pain was coming from the back of my head to the back of my eyes. I took some pain medicine and it left in an hour. A week after that I felt normal. Then i started seeing almost like faded sun spots in the center of my vision for about a week and a half. However that faded away. Now i'm experiencing some very strange sensations in my head for the past week. Whenever i shake my head or look to the left or right i get this heavy sensation in my head, almost like a shock or sudden, heavy wave that leaves me dizzy and off balanced. I feel it only when i shake or turn my head. Its horrible. I can't do simple tasks because i'm always feeling that sensation and feeling off balance. I have no idea if these experiences are connected somehow. I don't take any medication and i haven't been able to see a doctor. Any information helps. Thank you
Hi everyone, Very new to this site. Im hop... - Anxiety Support
Hi everyone, Very new to this site. Im hoping my find some answers to my questions here. I'm a 19 year old male, going to school full time.

The first symptons sound like a classic migraine. You get the flashing lights, blurred vision , what they call an 'aura', just before the headache starts.
If you had a really bad headache they can leave you feeling low for days.
Your second lot of symptons sound like an inner ear balance problem which makes you off balance, lightheaded and ,possibly ,nauseous.
I am not a doctor but suffer from both of theses ailments. But, you should definately see a doctor to make sure this is what is wrong as both of these are treatable.And to check that it isn't something else. Julie xx
Hi & Welcome Den
I agree with Julie , go & see your GP it could be an inner ear problem but they will be able to diagnose the problem & that will give you peace of mind & help with you anxiety
Keep talking on here , everyone understands how anxiety affects us & you will get lots of support
Let us know how you go on when you have seen your GP
Glad I could be of help. This site is amazing and has been a great help to me over the last year or so.
So welcome and make new friends who will help and support you. Julie xx
Sounds like a migraine headache, I once had the zig zag black and white pattern in the corner of my vision and I went to the opticans and they said it was a visual migraine without the headache which I have never heard of before.
I would endeavour to see a doctor. Whilst migraines or inner ear infections cannot be dismissed, other things may be wrong. . Good luck.
Well i went and saw a doctor. They said it could be benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). They also said neurologically I look fine. The Doc prescribed me meclizine to see if it will help. I'll go and get some when i can. Haven't really been feeling any better. Hoping the meds will help.