is it weird that i don't want a boyfriend? - Anxiety Support
is it weird that i don't want a boyfriend?
however you want to be is ok,
sometimes it's good just to be on your own, answerable to no-one.
it is worth mentioning that anxiety, depression and their med's can affect libido.
I have a friend who said she never wanted a gf and she was asexual, she suffered from anxiety and depression.
That was till she met her current gf and now there in a full loving relationship not saying this is for you. but its worth barring it in mind.
some times all you need is a friend.
No, It's not weird! Your feelings are your feelings
My boyfriend left me 6 months ago, and it really broke my heart. There's no way I'm over it but I now feel that I am not interested in looking at another man because I enjoy being on my own, I can see my friends and have people over whenever suits me, and best of all I can respond to social invites at the drop of a hat (although I rarely do... it's nice to have the option).
Things might change in the future, but the most important thing is that you do whatever makes you happy.
No its not weird if you dont want a boyfriend not at all
You may change your mind at sometime but its not compulsory , even though society can make us feel this way
You stay single if you are happier that way
It could be that you're not yet over the ex and ready to move on. My marriage ended three and a half years ago and every time I think that I'm ready to start again with somebody new, when the opportunity presents itself, I panic and want to stay on my own. When I am on my own, I feel desperately lonely!
Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with saying "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
Trust yourself.