Venting...: So I've had a busy weekend was... - Anxiety Support

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6 Replies

So I've had a busy weekend was at my friends on Friday night for a party, didn't drink which was fine. Then last night I went out clubbing with some other friends..saw my ex which didn't help my already drunken state.

Woke up this morning to a txt from my ex to ask "why I had been telling people the reason we broke up was because of my ex's dad being unwell"

Now I've never said that to anyone, I have however been honest to anyone that's asked about us and If you've been on here for a while you'll know that my ex threw in my face that they had no time to think about us as their dad came first, that's all I've ever said.

So naturally I've went mad back at my ex and they have went and blocked me. How childish, couldn't even let me defend myself before blocking me.

So I'm hungover, anxious and now abosuletly angry beyond belief.

This may not make much sense but I just had to write down my feelings as I'm so angry at it all.


6 Replies

Morning Ashley

I thought you had been quite , I knew you had your party & thought at that stage you might have had one to many & was with hangover maybe , little did I no you was of out again :-/

Well done Friday night not drinking to much & whoops sounds like you made up for it last night ;-)

Now I can understand how you are feeling , been there done that & got the T shirt as they say !

But not sure whats good about getting older , but sometimes one thing that might be good is that you have done all these things & learnt from them

Worse thing ever I learnt is to reply to some one when drunk or slightly drunk , will always react worse then when not :-/

So maybe make it a rule from now on that you will resist replying to anyone when drunk & wait & see how you feel the next day

Now the other thing for me & maybe not for everyone that I have come to realize is somethings , even though you may feel you want to defend yourself , depending on the circumstances & who they are , it can be a total waste of time , so then I say to myself , dont bother , leave them with it !

I do as well when it serious give it some thought , I no this can be hard when your feelings are hurt , but thinking it through if I can before I respond can be a lot better than jumping in there !

Now gossip , will always go round , & when it does it never gets to the person the way it actually started out been said , in fact it amazes me how it gets twisted along the way !

Sometimes saying nothing can get to someone more than reacting as behind what they say a reaction is wanted

Other times its can be best to reply keeping it simple , by saying Sorry thats what you heard but this is what was actually said & I have no more to say on the subject & no matter what they say back say nothing , it actually does make you the bigger person by doing that even though at the time it does take some self control but does get easier to adopt that attitude

Whats done is done now , whats said is said , you have tried to explain , you no you didnt say those things & thats all that matters !

What other people think is up to them , we are powerless over that

I always say at the end of the day if I can go to bed knowing I have a clear conscience thats all that matters , the rest can get on with what ever they want to do or say

Well this might not be the answer you want or even make any sense to you

But try & let go & remember they are your EX for a reason , I no its still painful but dont let gossip & OH still make you miserable & anxious , they did enough of that when you were together !

Plenty of water Ashley for the hangover :-/




Hi you.

Thanks so much for the reply, in fairness I should have posted this before replying. Everything you say makes complete sense, I just saw red and that was it I was on a rant. I think what's got me is the total immaturity of blocking me. We could have been adults about it and spoke but that was never going to happen.

Things do get twisted along the way but after everything I still have never said anything bad about her. Yes I said it. Her. Lol

Anyway your reply did help of course, she knows I over analyse everything so knows I'll be sitting going over this for days.



in reply to

Ha !

Well I wished we were saying she , I did my reply , posted it looked back & thought Oh no I have said she twice quick edit , anxiety started & I was editing as quick as I could thinking I hope no one has seen this & then you pop up going she :-D

Oh well thats that one out now , bet no one has passed out over it :-D

Blocking is immature I agree , I have blocked people for a couple of days because they are getting on my nerves , not very often & then un blocked them but if someone has ever done it to me , I just find it so funny , especially when they are supposed to be an adult & it actually makes me feel sad for them thinking gosh they have problems , glad I dont have the same , something to be grateful for at least :-/

I no you think she will be sat there thinking you are over thinking this now , & maybe you are , but ask yourself why you are

What difference will it make , what ever you come up with you cant get in someone elses head & to be honest I wouldnt want to be in theirs anyway , have enough with my own !

Try & let it go & change habits , its not easy , but it hurts a lot more if when someone thinks they have done something to hurt you & even if they never get to no , they have failed as you have let it go over your head & thought sod it you silly moo :-D

Leave her where she belongs & thats in your past , there will be a future but we never find it till we let go & you will do in time :-)


knowles8586 profile image

Yea blocking is childish, Ive found that out on a dating site recently, A guy I no is attached changed his profile to wanting a long term relationship and when I challenged him he said no Im not looking for that, so me being cross told him it was a vile thing to do to go online asking for caual meet ups when he lives with his girlfriend so he blocked me

mimii profile image
mimii in reply to knowles8586

Wonder how he'd react if his girlfriend joined same site looking for casual relationships, bet he wouldn't like her doing same, would love to see his face if she did though :D

Mimii xx

mimii profile image

Hi Ashley, hope your feeling bit better by now :)

Mimii xx

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