I went to see my psychaitrist earlier . I told him every new symptom I had and it was like he wanted to be somewhere else! He didn't record any of it, didn't explain why sometimes it happened, he didn't even ask why I booked an emergency appointment! He just wrote a prescription and that's it! Never been so upset! He's supposed to help me and give me advice when I need it and refer me to places if I need a different sort of therapy or any other help I may need! Some doctors these days! They're not bothered because it's not them I'm so angry at the minute!!!!!
Update from psychaitrist : I went to see my... - Anxiety Support
Update from psychaitrist

I've found this a lot from doctors, they just look bored when you're explaining something to them. I'm sorry you had this experience not all doctors are like that, maybe you could look in to finding another? I had CBT counselling for my anxiety which really helped. Good luck!
maybe if you feel up to it you might want to complain as it is not acceptable o be treated in this way. Is it possible for you to change psychiatrist? Have you talked to anyone about the possible of talking therapies.
I would seek out a new doctor. Get a female if you can. They are more understanding. Are you in the UK or US?
If i change psychaitrist It could take a while for me to get another and I don't know how to make a complaint :/ xx
My psychiatrist does the same exact thing. He has had many complaints, in fact. My dad and I are usually in his office for only 10 minutes, if not less. Very frustrating. I think they do this because of the money.
I've rung the office and they have said If I wanted to change psychiatrist it could take upto 6 months to see another but I can't wait that long it's ridiculous! No wonder there is a high amount of people committing suicide in the uk because there's less interaction, hardly no facilities and very long waiting lists xx
Ellis, I personally wouldn't waste time on a Psychiatrist. Only in my personal opinion. I'm of the firm belief that the true ones who know you aren't psychiatrists but your family and close friends! Obviously, I can already assume this has been said to you many times before however if you've had failed attempts in the past. Maybe try to do it again, but take a different approach with them so they're more open to what you have to say if they haven't been in the past. I don't know much to be honest, but you definitely deserve a better psych, that's for sure!
Thankyou for your advice I really appreciate it xx
Well the psychiatrist are for the pills you need a counselor they listen and give you advice
pills won't cure it but u need to learn how to control it and how to cope with it
And counselor give u that just say u don't want pills because pills are used to calm u down
Don't feel like you must stay with the GP or even practice for that matter.There's alot of trash out there.I have little faith in GP's, probably the reason why I self medicated...not ideal but this has become a self help world.I'm lucky I have combat stress to provide the mental health assistance I need.