Hey guys not having a good day. Went out last night for some belated birthday drinks with some friends and family. Was an ok night still struggled with missing my ex, but managed to laugh and talk and generally get involved. I got a bit drunk and when I got home got myself in a bad mood thinking about things. So then thought it would be a marvellous idea to text her telling her how I feel. Regretted it as soon a I'd done it not so much what I said jut the fact that I sent I to her.
Had a terrible nights sleep last night really restless and touch on my mind. So feel like crap this morning to go along with the slight hang over. I know it's self inflicted me feeling like this, but I just can't help it. I'm still in love with my ex more than I care to admit. Been trying to move on and be happy, but that's not happening. I should feel lucky I've got a decent job, my health and good friends and family around me, but that doesn't mean nothing at the minute.
Really grateful for the friends I've made on this site who have all be so understanding and supporting. I just don't feel like I've made any steps forward since I started blogging here.
Anyway I'm gonna stop moaning now. Hope everyone had a better night than me and is having a better bank holiday.