Hi everyone,
Well i started my triple therapy for viruses on Thursday. The Injection i was so stressed out about was nothing but not looking forward to next one as its made me feel like poo ( im being polite there lol ).
I had a count of pills ill be taking and for someone who hates taking them and has a dramatic momment, im talking oscar winning performance here, when trying to swallow them, im in shock. 22 a day.
I have just hoovered the front room and i am knackered and aching like a 90 yr old with arthritis.
My OH sister is renewing her vows today and i cant attend as i feel so rough, its like a bad flu. I will get through this though as i am taking it an hour at a time and thinking of the end goal, being virus free in a year after 20 yrs infected and waiting 10 yrs to be referred to a consultant.
All this and being evicted lol, find out next friday if we have the hose we like. Why does everything have to take so bloomin long. Im not the most patient person.
The packing is going well as OH is NOT helping. The cats have been assisting by ripping the tape off after ive sealed the boxes. tearing up bubble wrap and breaking stuff to help me out, if its broke, dont pack it. so far 3 ornaments and 4 bowls are not coming to new house.
Im gonna go get in the bath to try and calm down what little muscles i have. I hope you are all the best you can be under your circumstances. Good luck in all your battles.
Love Cookie xxx