Anxiety and IBS - Nightmare!!!: Hi, I'm new... - Anxiety Support

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Anxiety and IBS - Nightmare!!!

9 Replies

Hi, I'm new to this site...just wondered if anyone else suffers with anxiety and IBS and how they cope with it. I find it so stressful...IBS isn't exactly the most sociable condidtion which then makes my anxiety worse and it's like a cycle I can't break!!

Anyone else feel like this??

ifyoujustsmile:) xxx

9 Replies

Hello & Welcome

A lot of people that suffer with anxiety seem to have IBS , myself included

I have had it explained over the years that we dont digest our food as well , which I no I dont especially if I feel wound up

Have you been to see you GP about it , there are meds that can help

I have had various one's over the years that did help , & then I actually found Manuka Honey 10+ which really settles my stomach , you can buy it in the supermarket , well Tesco's i no is where I get mine from , three teaspoons 3 times a day & after a few weeks it worked better than the meds

On an odd occassion , Imodium , if you are running to the toilet can be used as well , this comes in handy if you no you have to go out somewhere

I am not a doctor so please dont take this as a medical opinion , its just what has worked for me , so I would just get it confirmed you have IBS if you havnt already & then its a bit of a juggling game to find out if certain foods trigger it of & what works best for you :)

There will be lots more suggestions from other members & I hope it helps to no you are not on your own with this




in reply to

Hi WhyWhy7, thank you for your reply :) i've had IBS for about 4 years, so I've been to the doctor a few times, tried different meds - nothing helped long term. I'm seeing a bowel specialist in 3 days so see what happens then. The last couple of lears my anxiety has been really bad because of the IBS..well I'm not sure exactly which one started first. I've never heard of Manuka Honey 10+ thank you for suggesting this, I will give it a go :) The only thing that seems to help my stomach is to eat small meals without snacking inbetween but I always feel so tired and can't concentrate propperly when I don't eat much.

Thank you, yeah it definitely helps to know I'm not on my own :)

Hope your are managing your anxiety and IBS, how long have you suffered with anxity and IBS (if you dont mind me asking?)

Thank you again,

Love Ifyoujustsmile :)

LadySaabra profile image

Hello welcome:)

Oh yes, I know this nightmare :(

I'm IBS-C and emitophobic...the bunging makes me feel sick and feeling sick makes me anxious - which makes me feel more sick - arrrrgggghhh horrid the moment I'm working with my foods, already been gluten-free for five years (got rid of stomach cramps) now I've given up cheese...which my second fave thing after chocit...its working at the moment, but I'll probably be right on edge again when the sick bugs start doing the rounds - managed to dodge the last long and horrific season, going to keep everything crossed for another dodge this time but with the youngest child now in nursery....eek

good luck :)

x sam

I too have IBS iv had it for many years longer than anxiety which only reared its ugly head last year. I'm still struggling with what to eat, i tend to eat very bland but i still get attacks of stomach upset, bloating and nausea. today is one of the worse days. take care and try and relax x

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do you know what foods upset your stomach? or do you find that sometimes you can eat things and then other times if you eat the same foods they upset your stomach? Sorry to hear you were having a bad day, do you know what the cause was? hope your symptoms are improving.

take care :)


in reply to

Anything upsets my stomach, i'm sick of it and as i'm hypoglycaemic (low blood sugar) i have to eat something every 3 hours. I must say anything with fibre which i love and should be eating is just a killer for me. I'v had IBS for 25 years and I'm still struggling. I will be seeing a dietician in two weeks so hopefully she/he will help me.I do find i'm worse at work in the week when i'm sat at a desk all day. Hope your symptoms are improving too. hugs x

Paradox profile image


I think I have a food intolerance that I mistook as IBS-D for a long time.

I think it contributed to my anxiety, it made it hard for me to go far from home, and I always worried about being near a toilet.

Only recently it twigged in my head to try an elimination diet. The first one I was going to do was Dairy, cutting it all out and see where it goes. If that didn't work I was going to try Wheat/Gluten.

But what do you know, after cutting out dairy I found I was so much better. I cut it out for two weeks completely and I'm now using Lactose-free alternatives which I find tasty (the cheese isn't bad) and i've cut right down on eating things like chocolate that isn't lactose free. I've not had any more horrible stomach cramps or rushing to the toilet. I can go out without taking an Imodium and I feel so much calmer, I can to further away places without feeling worried.

Perhaps you could try an elimination diet for the most common things people have intolerance too (dairy, wheat and gluten). I know others with IBS recommend the FODMAPS diet. You could also see your GP for medication to help your IBS.

Hope this helps.

:) xx

Hi I have developed ibs as a result to my anxiety. It is such a vicious circle. Do you experience a tight band around ur stomach? Or pulsing in ur stomach? Xxx

in reply to

Hi, yeah I get pulsing, burning pains, bloating :( it's horrible. Because of my IBS i get anxiouse just leaving the house and especially being in social situation. what do you do to try to relax when you know you might start to get anxious?


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