Does anyone else get fuzzy vision and confusion with their anxiety??!! I hate it... Makes me feel like part of my mind is missing ! It's exhausting and I feel like I'm walking about in a fuzzy haze! Nothing I do will get rid of it until it passes on its own! A big fuzzy, hazey bubble of anxiety with spaghetti for brains as takes a while to put two and two together and string thoughts together!! Does anyone else ever feel like this ? I feel lost in it today
Anxiety!!!: Does anyone else get fuzzy... - Anxiety Support
Yes can totally understand what you mean. I get this. It's awful...
Mostly exhausting and I sleep a lot when I feel like this. It does pass but like you I have to ride with it and let it pass on by.
Sue xxx
Really Sue! It's horrible isn't it.... U can function but sometimes it scares me as it makes me feel like I'm half dead or non existent and loosing my mind! X
Yes it's awful .
I thought I was going crazy. Sometimes even felt like I was looking down on myself especially outdoors walking along I would look at people and think you feel like this..
I told my counsellor and she assured me I was not crazy or going crazy and all of the symptoms are to do with anxiety and depression.
When I go there now into my fluffy head as I call it, I reassure myself by knowing I've been there before and came through it...but how awful is it, I would find it hard to explain and anyone who hasn't had it would just never get it I don't think.
You are not alone in this remember that
Love sue xxxx
Hello BOB here
All the time I had a whole lot of tests done in case their was something bad like dementia, they found that my brain was overloading because of pain, mental health, not forgetting personal problems
All the best back to Alligators and swamp
Yes I understand, anxiety certainly does funny things to you............ but knowing youre not alone helps.
Hi yes I go fuzzy eyed and cannot concentrate on anything or listen to people. I have to really focus on a person to listen to what they are saying. Xx
Yeah I've had this, it's not nice is it. I just sit quietly and just let ride whilst say to myself it's just anxiety it won't hurt me. Hope you feel better soon hugs x
Yeah I get fuzzy and dizzy sometimes, just part and parcel of anxiety.
Hi, yes i get this too, feels like looking at life through a hazy glass window, people are speaking you can hear them but the wooshing thoughts wont let you listen to them. i can hear myself saying in my head "try to react to what there saying appropriatly" its awful but your not alone hon xxx
Hi, every couple of weeks I get this too! My vision feels strained and my eyelids and brows feel really heavy! I can't go out to social places like supermarkets because it makes me feel that weird! After about a week it seems to pass for me. I find it helps to try and get out in the fresh air and have a quick walk
Just have to keep reminding yourself that it will pass eventually!
Well cant add more , except another one here that gets it , so it looks like this is very much anxiety related
I get dizzy and out of sorts also. Its scary. When driving my eyes feel hazy and I see little things in front of me like I'm not focusing. At night its harder to see. Anxiety is horrible. Does so much physically and mentally.
Yes I dealt with this same feeling weeks ago. It was awful! I mean, I literally would go weak at times and felt like my body just would cooperate- if get fuzzy visions as well sudden feelings of vertigo ( or like I was tipping over for a second).
Almost like my body and mind were disconnected and I just needed to be a couch potatoe but fuctioning was difficult. I also felt like kinda sick to my stomach with no appetite! Which is unlike me - bc I love to eat.
Thank god I snapped out of it but for a week I was feeling that way in long spells