what started peoples anxiety??: im... - Anxiety Support

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what started peoples anxiety??

merlin321 profile image
28 Replies

im interested in hearing about what started peoples anxiety??? when did you realise it was anxiety?

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merlin321 profile image
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28 Replies
bonnie1959 profile image

Hi merlin

I had vertigo 2yrs ago. As a result of it being bad i stayed in bed for 2months. I used to crawl the floor to the loo rather than walk because of the vertigo. Whike in bed i started getting the following.



Muscle tremors

Blurred vision

Feelings of being detached from familly


Trembling/internal and external

Stabbing like ekectric shocks

Vibrating in feet like there is a drill on them

A creeping like sensation up legs and hips

And panic attacks


I still get all of above but not alltogether now or everyday

My daughter first it was anxiety and a hosp



tintin5187 profile image
tintin5187 in reply to bonnie1959

Bonnie.... Mine was exactly the same as yours!! Vertigo etc etc..... And I had viral infection at same time... Never been right since... Strange how certain illnesses can cause mental issues x x

Hi,mine started 2 years ago with raging headache was away for weekend and that was it thought I had brain tumour had MRI all clear did tat convince me yes but still have headaches and every other ache you can think of and crying so all down to anxiety and depression,just been to GP today and have given me AD which I have avoided but so low got otaku them but petrified.xxx

bonnie1959 profile image
bonnie1959 in reply to


like you i could fill the bath with tears chin up. Thinking of you. We will all get there.

{{{{{{{{{ hugs}}}}}}}}}



Mine all started about 22yrs ago. I was really poorly with tonsillitis and my grandma was really poorly in hospital. I had a panic attack when I was with my mum, I thought I couldn't breathe and I was choking. It's been the same sort of thing on and off since then, it usually rears its head when I have life changing events. This time it's because my mum died, I got married, I broke my wrist, went on holiday and my mums mum died this was all last year. They started when I was on holiday in October and gradually got worse until April time when I had a complete breakdown and I've been off work since. Xx


I always remember been an anxious child to be honest , but covered it up well , but it worried me thinking something must be wrong with me

Then I think it really started when I had my first daughter at barley 17 , was far to young , but then the fears all came & as I used to say I had bad nerves

Its been on & of ever since , with it focusing from health anxiety to a fear of going out , to OCD ,all these things I believe are all connected

I have had times when things have got better & times when its got control over me again over the years




My started yr before last while on my first holiday abroad. One night I was having a drink then I just felt all weird like I was going to pass out. Then wen I first moved into my house I wud have tingling sensations in my upper body. Then I started having panic attacks and felt the symptoms that Bonnie as said all the time. I'm on AD and feel so much better but do get symptoms and anxiety still butnot so bad and iit's getting lessand less. Mine started as I lost my house s cudnt afford it was private renting and I lost my cousin to cancer she was only 29 xxx

seyi profile image

My first recollection was when i was about 28 years old my uncle whom i was so close with was dying of Cancer.

He suffered from agoraphobia all his life but the most educated man you could wish to meet.

I suffered badly not leaving the house for over 18 months having 2 children at that time heading for a breakdown weighing 7stone I was a wreak.I visited the Doctor's so many times i could have rented a room. And i was told its sink or swim.

I battled for years then when i had my Daughter i gained the strength to divorce my husband and go it alone.

Long story but i ended back with my first boyfriend and we married and had a daughter.

The beginning of this year i had a bad turn in work they called an ambulance but i refused. I thought it was Vertigo but after seeing various Doctor's they confirmed panic attacks/anxiety disorder. Was off work for 5 months and have recently gone back ( although on summer holidays at the moment from school).

I have been doing fine coping in fact until Monday night i had a really bad bout of dizziness and sickness. This has thrown me back into panic mode again.

So i am back to square one getting myself back on track trying to be positive.

My counsellor said we never get rid of anxiety panic etc but we learn to deal with it.

It ruins your life really.

I pray one day all the people suffering will be free of this terrible path we travel.

Hope your well


Love Seyi xxx

Bigguy profile image

I had a few panic attacs when I was stressed about age 20 when buying my first house felt dizzy for a few weeks and that was that woke with panic but then nothing for years

but this Christmas after suffering from dizziness or vertigo I think I burnt out breakdown call it what you like 2 weeks in bed followed by the flue that kept me in bed for 16 days now I've been told I've GAD I've had times when I've almost had panic but I seem to be able to breath and stop them but sadly I'm a bit of a yo yo and my anxioty is up and down I do not take meds at the moment but might do if I need to

I was always a quite kid, I refused to communicate until I was 3 years old (I could talk I just didn't want too). I had little quirks like having to wash my hands and never wanting to be with other people, then something happend to me when I was very young and that made the whole anxiety and other stuff a lot worse.

So I have never not been odd... :s

in reply to

michael , I had to smile at you saying I refused to communicate till I was 3 , bless you :)

I relate to the little quirks I have them now , but it has developed into OCD for me , I built on my little quirks over the years & thats what it became

And please , you are far from odd , you have anxiety just like the rest of us , but that isnt odd , far from it , I think we are loving sensitive people & thats what you are to :)


My anxiety started earlier this year around February/March after the break up of my relationship and all the messing about involved with it. It's been fairly mild compared to some of the cases I've read on here I think mine is more low mood/depression. I think I've always suffered with varying degrees of depression ranging from just low moods to self harming (something I've not done in a very long time). This all steams from confidence and self esteem issues. Something I have improved over the years. It took a massive hit during my break up. Although its mild my anxiety is always bubbling away in the background. I think I realised it was anxiety fairly early on and I'm now going to CBT sessions.

Jeffju profile image

My first panic attacked occurred when I was pregnant with my, now, 29 year old daughter. I wondered what on earth was happening to me , I thought I was going into early labour. Since then, most of the time, I have been reasonably ok, but had a major breakdown in 1999 and one last year after losing both of my parents and my job. I alos developed a 'name' phobia last year which has been the hardest thing to overcome and I am still struggling with that. In hindsight, I was always a shy child and quite anxious in different situations so maybe it was always going to happen as an adult. I did have a very happy childhood though.And that is how my anxiety started.....

Bramwell profile image

My nan lived with us when I was a little kid and she was a hypochondriac. I well remember her regaling my mum with all her aches and pains. I was rushed into hospital aged five with bronchial pneumonia (I don't know if that has anything to do with my fear of doctors and anything medical).

In my early teens I remember 'finding' a lump under my ribcage and worrying it was something bad, but at that age you soon forget and move on to other more interesting things.

I was pretty okay in my 20's and most of my 30's but a series of redundancies just after I was married and had a heavy mortgage, a close friend dying of a brain tumour and my father slowly dying over five long hot summer months, plus a dreadful lonely job in bad working conditions just about did me in!

My health anxiety was rampant and even with councilling it hovered in the background through my late 30's and 40's.

It seemed to ease off but then I turned 50 and everywhere you read of all the things the over 50's should watch out for - prostate, bowel, diabetes........etc etc and that seemed to spark it again.

So now I have good weeks and bad weeks. sometimes I laugh at myself for being so silly and other times I'm paralysed with terror at my latest worrying illness.

in reply to Bramwell

I can relate a lot to you Bramwell , I wouldnt wish any one to suffer like I do & have , but when you talk on here , it is a relief to see someone like myself

Hope you are OK & have kept of Google :-/


i think mine started when i got really ill last year. out of the blue i started to feel i would faint. i have had so many different tests but had to wait so long for them that i developed anxiety. i have since discovered i am hypoglycaemic and my blood pressure keeps dropping very low. Iv just come off all meds now and will have to wait and see how i feel cos at the moment to side effects are making me worse. love to all fellow sufferers x

Mine started about 10yrs ago. It's been on and off ever since.

I didn't have a bad childhood but I do remember certain experiences and becoming extremely nervous way before my panic attacks started. Think it's been

In me forever really but only came out past 10yrs with physical symptoms.

ReggieA profile image

Mine started last year in June. At first I thought my blood pressure had gone down, then I thought it had gone up. I spent three days drinking loads of water and eating anything with sugar, e.g. chocolate, candy. Because this made me feel better.

2 months later it all came back in full force, so then I thought I was having a heartache and I even called the NHS and an emergency line to say that I was going to die. I went to my GP and she told me that it all sounded like a panic attack to her. I did some blood tests and nothing came out of it, so in the end I knew I was having a panic attack.

It is important to mention that all of this was triggered by the extreme stress I was going through last year. I was having a really hard time at work. No fun at all.

Some time in November last year I discovered this site and since then I have been able to control my anxiety and understand better what is going on with me. The simple conclusion is that when I am happy and carefree I have no panic attacks, as soon as something goes wrong I get all funny and stuff. Which is happening lately, loads of issues at work and personal matters, which adds up to me feeling all dizzy and light headed.

Writing about my experience in this site has helped me soooooo much.

extremelu profile image
extremelu in reply to ReggieA

im so glad that this site helps you , its good just to talk about this isnt it .sorry to hear about work it can be very stressful especially if you hate your job im in the same situation ..but where i live im stuck and they know that ..i would quit but thay would mena traveling 35-40 miles away and i dont want to spend my precious time in a car traveling. plus sometimes i get anxiety sometimes riding because im so anxoius to get to point b

nanaber profile image

I was always anxious had a very difficult childhood, married early had my kids and always worried I thought everyone worried like that. 11 years ago after my kids then aged 21 and 24 were doing their own thing and I had stopped worrying I had a bad fall which had me laid up for 3 months and all the anxious symptoms returned. I struggled with it for 5 years then went on anti d's they gave me back my life. I've was doing really well until this May since then I've been hit with every kind of stress you could imagine and guess what my anxiety is starting to return. Even as I sit here now I have butterflies in my tummy dry mouth and am sweating. Maybe it will pass when the stress easies up if not I talk to my gp I will never let myself get into the same state I got into 6 years ago.

agora profile image

Bad romantic relationship, racing up and down the M25. Had a terrible experience and that was it, probably very tired which wouldn't have helped. Still terrified of the M25 and motorways...

merlin321 profile image

well that's some interesting replies. all have some kind of stressful life event and or ppl have been kinda ppl who are generaly nervours kids, but it comes out or got worse as adults. as we have more responsabiliy we seem to not cope aswell.

silver_snow profile image

Mine is always sparked off by life changes or illness, and mostly explainable and understandable but still takes a week or two sometimes months to work its self out of my system, pretty scary as most times i feel like 'oh no i'm back here again what if it doesn't go away this time' Mine is always pretty short lived severe symptoms. On a positive note my mother suffered with depression and anxiety for most of her life and barely went out the house for 3 years and wasnt really 'there as a person' but now she goes and lives in the Gambia in Africa on her own for the 6 month winter period and has done for the last 3 years so it just shows you can come out of the worst of it and still have the life you want....

Roserose profile image
Roserose in reply to silver_snow

That's so inspiring, thank you for sharing silver xxxx

hairyfairy profile image

I had a very difficult life while I was growing up, I had to change schools a lot because we were always moving due to my father`s job, & I think that`s were the root of my problems is. I didn`t start to have panic attacks until I`d been on appetite suppressants for several months. I blame people who bullied me about my weight when I was a teenager for most of the anxiety problems that Iv`e had since.

stde profile image

hi, merlin321...........this is only my opinion........I believe that everyone is different, with different degrees of anxiety.

Anxiety, or the potential to be anxious varies in people due to genetics (hyper active) or nurture (upbringing) or life experience. A mixture of these can make you like a old morris car (ha ha) with no acceleration or top speed ( relaxed personality) or varying right up to a Porche, with fast reaction/acceleration and high top speed (reactionary personality with anxiety).

But there are some people who even with the potential to be that Porche, live a relaxed life because they have never experienced enough stress to press that accelerator, they may live a quiet life in idilic surroundings never have been exposed to the pressures of modern day living. We are all different, with different life events and circumstances, learning to understand yourself and deal with stress without fear is the hard, but possible experience......wish you well on your journey...................

1979ukmale profile image

Hi All,

I was always anxious as a child and young teenager. I would shy away from certain social things.

So fast forward from young and shy to aged 19 in 1999 , university pressure doing a tough degree , added to parents moving house, plus recent girlfriend breakup, and living with 5 other guys (we got on great but the partying was burning me out)....

Woke up one day with a pressure on my chest, and felt really weird. Then couldn't sleep, 3 nights of no sleep, brick wall insomnia. No idea what was wrong with me, doctor visit, Fluox and Propan, 14 years later onto Sertraline :)

Livin the dream !

To be fair I have been so lucky, we have a young baby now.

extremelu profile image

mine started with me working 3rd shift ,12 hours, im not a nite person but where i live i had to take a job in a factory, needless to say i had to do what i had to to stay alert and awake at nite, so i drank very strong coffee brought from home, was taking ginko, red bulls and sdvil sinus cause that seemed to help with me staying alert, worked their 1 1/2 years doing my last days i woke up on morning and was having a hard time catching my breath, so i went to the hospital because was on the week end (of course) they put me through the ringer, gave me nitro just in case i was having a heart attack ,but nothing showed up, stayed in hospital for 2 days, they released me and within 2 days i was back but worse i was hyperventaling i was so scared i couldnt move my hands and i coulnt move my husband was doing 120 mph getting me to the hospital bc he knew i was dying ..i thought i was dying, ive never had anything like this never really heard of panic or anxiety attacks, but thats what they said what was happening ..so needless to say they set me appt with shrink ..this was truly the scareress nite of my life i will never forget it ..sometimes that nite haunts me and will set me into a panic attack i try not to think of that nite but i think it tramaticed me, ..the one thing i remember just laying all day not moving a coulnt didnt have any emotions but sad sad sad, i remember my wringles in my forehead was down.. weird ..like worry all the time, im a very nervous person in general so i think maybe i done some damage to my nervous system..i take 1/2 zanax a day thats how far i have come ..i use to use 3 tab a day(zombiefied of course back then) so ive been going throgh this for 3 years now,hoping and praying that one day i will wake up and not have to take anything but me daughter tells me ..mom 1/2 a day isnt bad if it helps you so keep taking, she dont want to see me like thta ever again she was there when everything was going on, so i can imagine it was scary for her.. i know i still shake in the mornings and when ever something bothers me, ley me mention i have NEVER taken any drugs smoked pot or anything, im a good girl, dont drink either..i hate this thats my story sorry so long..God Bless all....: )

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