Feeling really anxious today! !: My head is... - Anxiety Support

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Feeling really anxious today! !

9 Replies

My head is so spacey today I can't shake it off. Feelings of panic coming and going. Still can't bring myself to take my meds. Telling myself to get a grip and face it all but it's not working!

9 Replies
hvr1 profile image

Hey love, sorry to hear this. Have been feeling very similar this week. All I can say is please don't tell yourself to get a grip! You're not feeling ok, and it sucks and feels so nasty but it's ok that you're not ok!

If I were you I'd put the meds away because if they're causing you to get more panicky then you definitely don't need to start now. I hope you're in a place where you can do something nice for yourself. Try to breathe but if you can't, just cry away and do what you need. But however hard it is (and trust me I know at the time it's the hardest thing!) just remember that this won't last forever, this feeling will pass.

Tell yourself you can worry about your meds later, you have enough on your plate now. I'm here to chat if you want, you can pm me if it feels easier : ] xx

in reply to hvr1

Thank you so much hvr. I am actually panicking over taking the meds so your right I need to put them away.

I'm hoping to go out today and see what happens.

Not very good at dealing with it at the moment.

Have a good day and thanks again x

hvr1 profile image
hvr1 in reply to

You should, go for it! Sometimes getting out and taking your mind off of it is exactly what's needed. But don't feel ashamed if it's not and you find it's too hard and need to come home. It happens and you'll get there. But I'm sure you'll be ok : ] I know what you mean, I also feel like I'm handling everything quite badly at the moment. But I had a day off yesterday to take it easy and it's done wonders for my outlook. We need to remember that sometimes we're going to feel that way and remember that when we feel like we're doing well again, it feels so much better for having gone through the tough time.

I think Whywhy has some really good comments below. It's clear you're both going through similar situation. When you feel a little stronger, I think it would be best to take her advice. Like she says, you can only try and if they're making you worse or not working at all, you can say that to the doctor and they'll be a lot more helpful in helping you take a different approach. Just like it's one baby step at a time with this anxiety, take it as one baby step at a time with the tablets. One a day, and see how it feels each day. Don't rush yourself and be kind to yourself (you too, why why!!).

Hope you find it ok when you do start them, but there's absolutely no rush. There's no point worrying yourself if you're already feeling bad. Just look after yourself and do nice things for yourself until you feel stronger and I think it'll just hit you one day, "screw it, I'm just gonna do it" and you will : ]

Big love xx

in reply to hvr1

Great advice thanks hrv. As bad as I felt this morning, I had a great afternoon, it's mad how it can come and go as quick as anything. I went shopping and had lunch with my family, got stressed a little in some parts, but normal stressed. I'm home again now, and still feeling positive. Thanks so much for your help xx

Hi LooLoo

I have a meds fear , so I no exactly how you feel & its another anxiety in it self when you do suffer with this

I also have meds I should be taking , not for anxiety , but something else & I am yet to take them

The only trouble is , it can be like a circle for me , if I take them , I no my anxiety will go up for a while till I get my confidence they will not harm me , if I dont , then I feel guilty because I no I should be taking them , again causing me to feel anxious

So I am getting to the stage where I will give them a go , because even though no one can force me to take them , it is my choice , I no if I go back to the GP , with the same problem , she will not be very helpful , if I say I never even gave them ago , & to be honest , I couldnt blame her

When I do start to take them though , I shall tell myself "Just for today , one will not harm me " and one little tablet wont & then the next day & so on , I shall keep telling myself the same every day (easier said than done I no ) always telling myself if at any time I want to stop taking them I can

This way it helps my anxiety , thinking I am still in control & who knows if we both face this fear , they may help us & if they dont , we can stop & at least tell the GP , we took them

Keep coming on & talking & people will support you & all of a sudden you may feel you can start to take them , try not to let it play to much on your mind in the meantime , as I no this just makes it worse

Let us no how you go on




in reply to

Thanks whywhy, I really do think I have put so much pressure on myself to take them that I don't stop thinking about them! What you have said there sounds a great way to look at it and when I am ready, I will use this method.

After this post my husband took me and kiddies out and we had a lovely few hours out! I totally switched my mind off. Hoping to have just as good an evening.

I will definately keep coming on to talk, it's helped me massively it really has. Thank you all so much.

How is your day going? xx

in reply to

Hi LooLoo

Glad you had a good afternoon hun

Yes leave it till you are ready , its your choice & we have to do things in our own time , you will get there

I am OK thank you , been doing what I like doing best , cleaning :D

I do believe talking helps & on here we all do understand how this feels , you seem alot better than you did a few days ago , so it could be working ;)

Have a lovely weekend :)


in reply to

Glad your ok.

We will all work it out together I'm sure xx

london-man profile image

Hi LooLoo, I had a rotten day too, you're not alone xxx

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