hi whywhy! im glad i have people to talk to im a mom of 3 and feel like im going mad its only been just over 1 week i have been feeling like this im always thinking something medical is wrong with me and ill panic over it but deep down i know there is nothing wrong ive just got anxiety its so frightning xx
anxiety: hi whywhy! im glad i have people to... - Anxiety Support

Been a mum of three is hard work , I have 3 , grown up now (still can be hard work though ) but I remember well how difficult it was dealing with my anxiety , while trying to bring them up , its not easy is it
I think you sound very sensible & realize you are suffering with anxiety
I would go & see my GP , or not sure how old your children are , but if you have a health visitor have a chat , they wont think bad of you , this is very common now a days & they have heard it all before & I wish years ago it was more open to chat like we do now , I often think it could have stopped alot of suffering I have been through
Give it some thought , keep coming on here & talking & no you are not alone in how you feel

thankyou your really understanding i just dont like the funny feeling that you think something is wrong with you medical wise.and the feeling that your going to die i know it sounds stupid but thats how im feeling xx
Its not stupid hun , it sounds like you are suffering with health anxiety , this is something I suffer with , & I no its awful , when you are constantly thinking these things
Over time , I have learnt how to retrain my thinking , its not easy & does take time , but can be done
I still can get it dont get me wrong , but it does get better
Keep talking , & please nothing you say on here we wont have heard before & we certainly wont think you are stupid

thankyou can you tell me how you feel with the health anxiety i can be working one minitue and forget about it but then bang i think about it and my body feels all funny then i panic xx
That sounds about right Stacey
When we are occupied , we forget it , till all of a sudden we get a pain , or whatever it is & then wow the fear comes flooding back in & we are back in a panic again
Over the years every pain & twinge was always something major , it would get to the stage when I got up , instead of been asked "do I want a cup of tea " I would be asked and whats wrong with you today & there would always be something
You may not feel you are at the stage yet , but as you start to change your way of thinking I can now have a sense of humor with all this & believe me at times its helped me through
For example
I suffer with migraines , well of cours mime are not just migraines , in my head its a Brain Tumor , even though I have been getting them 5 years
So GP told me to take an Asprin everyday for something else I went with
Well the migraines got less , so I was talking to a friend & said , I am going to the doctors
She said what for ?
I said to tell her I think I really do have a BT
She said well why do you & I said because taking an Asprin a day I am not getting as many
She calmly replied
Well if an Asprin a day cures BT , I cant understand why they havnt come up with that as a cure before now
When she said it in that way , I could see the funny side in what I was thinking & she was right , so I didnt go lol
Keep talking hun , there will be lots of support , you will get better

arr bless well i hope i do eventually i had a panic attack friday night lay in bed thourghts going through my head and bang dived up trying to get my breath as soon as i came round from the attack my heart was pounding i was sweaty i just had to escape from my bed bout 20 mins later i was fine and went back to bed and fell asleep.saturday i woke up feeling anxious about the attack i had the night before i just felt all spaced out and not myself im not feeling to bad today just abit of a tight chest xx
You dont give up hope , there is hope for us all , & we can get through this & you included