I've been asked about my anxiety on the first question I posted at the forum. Somehow I couldn't answer, maybe because it's not easy to answer in just a few sentences without explaining much more, or maybe because I didn't want to go through all the anxiety symptoms and situations I experimented...
But today it was such a difficult day, that I felt like I had to talk about it...
Actually in the end I felt it was more like a day in which I survived, not that I lived...
Work isn't going well, I feel like I can't finish anything, sometimes I just can't figure out how to do the things I need to do... It's stressing me a lot that my boss is coming next Monday after 2 weeks out and that in two weeks I haven't achieved anything...even the most basic stuff have been difficult...
Anxiety plays a great role here... I spend the days trying not to go away, in which I hide the anxiety symptoms and count the hours to "be free"...and also avoiding people, as at lunch time, just because I don't want people to realize how bad I feel, and above all afraid I will have a panic attack that I won't be able to control...The FEAR of PANIC ATTACKS, I guess that's the thing that influences more my daily life, particularly when I feel down, stressed or with lack of confidence about what I can do at work...
Then, most of the times, I have all these physical symptoms...heart beating too fast, chest pain, dizziness (like the ground is moving...), today I even felt my jaws/teeth were kind of hurting and I couldn't wonder if it had anything to do with the heart (!!!), just because I read one those could hurt when someone's having a heart attack... The worst today, that I hadn't had for so many time (like, hours..) was the derealization feeling...it was horrible...I came home (by taxi, which I used too much today ) to have lunch and started feeling it, just by looking at my meal and at tv I started to feel that "disconnection" from reality...anyway I tried to not to care about it, distract myself, I had to, I had to go back to work... Another taxi, and the feeling went with me to the office...
it was very difficult to focus and distract from it...after one hour I decided to take half a victan to help relaxing, even if I didn't want to take it...
it helped a bit even if I was still tense the rest of the afternoon, even if I couldn't finish what I had to...I actually continued working and made it to 6.30pm..
It was really difficult...
I'm having a bad week, I know, after all besides my boss's is coming next week I've been having some troubles with my boyfriend which leave me really down... I also know that most of this year has been better than these, I achieved things in terms of controlling anxiety, I did things I hadn't done for so long or that I didn't imagine I could do so soon (like flying to London! ) but in times like this I am SO afraid I will loose everything I achieved...it's scary. And I'm afraid tomorrow will be another nightmare like the first 3 days of the week...I really must show something done, and it's difficult when anxiety is there all day long in so many forms...
Thank you anyone who read this! I hope you're having a (much!) better week
All the best xxx