Feeling So Low And The End Is Here - Anxiety Support

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Feeling So Low And The End Is Here

Helpmebirmingham profile image
11 Replies

Since yesterday I have been feeling suicidal. I feel I have no hope and there is nothing left for me. I don't want to die but I am so low. Not been here for a long time but I am so near the end.

My partner is not understanding. Started to become cold and callous towards me. I have no one to turn to for support. I am in a bad place. All the stresses and strains have worn me right down.

I feel as if I have no hope and no fight left in me now :-)

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Helpmebirmingham profile image
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11 Replies
Serenity37 profile image

Please dont feel this way you are worth it its your anxiety that makes you feel that bad we all have bad days when we feel so low but you can and will pick yourself up trust me ive had days just like you i dont feel too good today but i know i will if i keep strong we gotta fight this your not alone we are here ok xxxxxxx

Hey don't lose sight of the fact that you will not feel like this forever. I have been at the point where I couldn't see the point of my existence and had intrusive thoughts too. I was on my own with it too as my o/h was no use and I'm not close to my family. I don't feel like that now and am in a really good place now. One thing I had to learn was being happy and comfortable in my own company. You can get through it don't lose sight of this. You are strong love eve x

Sometimes I think the weekends are the worst. I had a very poor Sunday last week and Today have not been out of bed.To be honest last Sunday I wanted to give up and today I've had nothing but chest pains and nausea.

I have been told to pull myself together or just let it ride.I cannot do either because the anxiety just takes over.Right now I am doubled up in fear and pain BUT I will not give in.Things must and WILL get better.

Let us both fight this thing and message me if you need.



hamble99b profile image

please don't take any action to end your life.

the others replying to you are right, what you are feeling is part of your depression, it is painful and distressing. You are feeling the way many others have, please take heart from the fact that they do survive and do find hope and the need to live.

talk to the samaritans and MIND, they have people who will listen, where you can talk about how you feel.

please come back on here, you are important to us.



hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to hamble99b

I've got a list of useful helplines:-

please consider calling some of them.


0300 123 3393



0845 767 8000


SANEline is a national out-of-hours telephone helpline offering emotional support and information for people affected by mental health problems.

BriarRose profile image
BriarRose in reply to hamble99b

Samaritans - 08457 909090


Talk to us hun we care about you or ring one of the helplines that's been suggested x anxiety/depression does funny things to our heads but there is help out there please reach out you are not alone love eve x

ronnilittle profile image

Hi - probably the last thing you feel you need right now is loads more advice but I just wanted to say that I was in exactly the same place that you are in now for about 3 months earlier this year. I'd stopped going out, stopped talking to people, was obsessed with the thought that I wouldn't be around for much longer and even went as far as making plans to take my own life. Trust me it is possible to come through it and to start to enjoy life again. Everyone's circumstances are different in terms of what they need in order to recover. I think for me it was a combination of needing a few weeks off work just to have complete bed rest and a change in medication. Even then it took a few weeks for the medication to take effect so I went to stay with relatives - partly for support and partly just to get away from 'normal' life for a while and have a break. It might be worth trying some or all of these things. And remember that there is support for you here on this forum - or through organisations like Mind. I really do hope things improve you very soon - I'm positive that with the right help they will. Ronni xxx

PlanetCaravan profile image

I despise the UK.Every minute of every day I'm gearing myself up to go back to the vast forests of northern Sweden.Britain crushes people.Don't, whatever you do,go through with this!Is it a social-anxiety thing?Escape onto the canals,if you can.That's what I did.Luckily for me,I can jump in my sea-kayak whenever this butterflies in the stomach/generalized anxiety gets too much.Jogging helps,too.Make lists.90 day goals.I know it's easy to say when I'm not the one (currently)immobilized by severe depression as you obviously are.You WILL come through this.xxx

seyi profile image

Hey we have all been in dark places but you are worth more please please believe that you will eventually overcome anxiety panic and your life will get back on track.

When we are feeling low we believe we have no worth and everything seems 10 times worse.

You will come through this like all the people here will tell you.

We have good days bad days and cannot understand what is going on nothing at times makes sense. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.

You are not alone and this site is wonderful for support and positive vibes.

Take care of yourself.


Love Seyi xxx

nena profile image

Its all been said above, so very little that I can add. We are all supportive of each other. Keep going - its tough, but when you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will be pleased you persevered. You will get through this with our support - and please call one of the helplines if you need to. I did once and wouldn't hesitate to do so again.

Take care and thinking of you,

Nena x

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