Argh another day of feeling fuzzy and low... - Anxiety Support

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Argh another day of feeling fuzzy and low...

7 Replies

Getting sick of this now.....woke up feeling bedroom is ok but needs a bit of a freshen I can't be bothered...I will probably just go back to sleep, that's what in seem to do best grrrrr....

I am so used to being adventurous, it feels bad not to be...

It's a vicious circle. Would love to be in a relationship but no one is going to come knocking my door down to see me...ventured on dating sites some time ago but found they not for me...get messed around too much, quite a few people in between relationships...wasn't good for my moral...and certainly didn't help my lows..

I hope everyone else is having a better day so far than me.....feeling quite p@##ed off.....


7 Replies

Hey Sue sorry to hear your having a bad day. Hopefully like you said to me your mood will improve later in the day.

Sorry to hear you've had ba experience with dating sites. You can meet nice people on them you've just got to be willing to sort through the messers. I met my ex on a dating site and I know it's just ended and I'm finding it hard, but she is a lovely girl and it onl ended because he feeling changed.

I'm feeling the same as you at the minute so we can be peed of together. And hopefully try and cheer up as the day goes on.


in reply to

Hiya wil,

Thanks for the response, ..

Yes today feel a bit fed up..

Sorry about you and your ex it's always hard when relationships end.

I have really been put off even going on dating sites for one reason or another...there's a few reasons won't bore you with them here... Not sure we're else you meet people though especially when you have stopped going out much because of how you feel.

Hope your day is a little better

Sue c

in reply to

Your welcome Sue we've got to stick together when our moods are low.

As I said sorry you've had bad experiences, but if you feel up to trying it again I'd defiantly recommend trying it out again.

Yeah it's hard at the mo I'm still really in love with her and would give anything for things to change, but I've just got to try and move on.

Here's to both our days improving


Sounds like your taking too much on in your mind at once, I know we all do it, but its a bad habit that does no good.

Put the new relationship to one side for the moment and concentrate on getting better. If you find one now in your mind set, it wont be right, when you feel better it will be. Likes attract likes. :-)

I did hear Tom Cruise is available, but dont count your chickens just yet, day at a time, moment to moment.

Forget about the past its gone forever, forget about what we want for the future, its a waste of energy, and it will never be how we want it. Stay in the now, and enjoy the day.

I've always found I meet people, when I'm not trying..............

Saying all this advice,

I went to tesco's yesterday, after being sunburnt on my neck the day before, felt wierd, got the shakes, distorted eyes, sick, dizzy, I thought here we go :-) managed to calm down and got to the checkout, the bloody self service till decided to play games too, but got the shopping I needed, slowly walked out and......................... it disapeared. Perfectly ok after a couple of minutes. Dam blighter tried to mess me up yet again :-)

All good now though

Even when we're on the path feeling good mosts days, anxiety can come at us with a blaster, and thats when the practice is so important, as that is when we can get knocked back to square one.

Wishing you well.



Oo Tom cruise yes......

Haha.. You are right, I just can't get used to it all, but then I guess you never do...

It's just so different for me to be like this....

Hope tomorrow is better and why shouldn't it be :)

Thanks B xx

Ahh Mrs...........whats going on??

Poor you, you had such a good day yesterday.........................

HOpe youre feeling a little better now the day is over..................

Shame its not closer , you could have come to my Spa and had a relaxing day.............. got some great offers on at the min too!! ;-) xx

Aw just the ups and downs of bloody anxiety and lows..tomorrow is a new day...

Wish I did live closer I would come to your spa be fab !!!

Hope tomorrow is as good for you and I'm sure it will be...


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