Is an arsehole,I think or is it me.Been going on for a long time,banging doors,noise,her kid damaging the fence with a ball.
I go out the back today,two damaged panels and rubbish thrown in my garden,not rubbish,rubbish but an apple and coconut shell.So,I get angry,I knock on her door,she is aware of the fence damage so I say "listen bitch,you must pay for the fence and,your little shit of a son is throwing stuff in my garden,if it happens again,he will get a slap".
I go in the house,I feel guilty for my harsh words but I am at boiling point,when very anxious,I feel violent.
An hour later,loud bang on the door,her brother is standing there,he says"you threaten my sister I will sort you out",big mistake,bang,I hit him hard,he is out for the count,she flies out the house,knife,yes knife in hand,I hit her hard,she has a knife so I take no chances.She is on the floor,I take the knife away.As I do this,the Police arrive,I drop the knife on the floor.Police draw baton and mace,they spray me,god it stings,I drop to the floor,they cant get the cuffs on,I resist in panic and rage.I manage to get up,I cant see properly,I lash out,bang,bang,bang,2 cops out for the count.Back up arrives,van with 6 of them,Ithink about resisting,I'm 6 feet 7 and 21 stone,take some stopping but choose not to.
They put me in a cell,I hate being confined,I ring the buzzer on the cell door,door opens,I push my way out and manage to get into a yard area,no escape,they let me sit there as I explain my fears.
Charged with assault etc,they let me go,I get home and see her next door laughing and drinking with her brother,I tell them,its not finished,dont go to bed tonight.
I am fuming still,should I go round and finish them off,feeling very anxious,I am dangerous when like this,what helps others to calm down,also had a few drinks and some pills,my way to cope,please advise.