Hi all, five nights in a row I've took my anti des, a big clap for me if I shud say so myself I've still got my fear but I'm doing well and I know it. I haven't had much anxiety this week so even thou I had it bad once in the night at the beginning of the week i know I've had a good week this week.
My other half as got to go to ireland sunday tea time and won't be back till monday afternoon. Its been so long since I've been on my own over night I'm dreading it tbf. This time last year when he was doing this driving job (he went back a few months back) whenever he went abroad or anywhere over night I would stop at my moms. I've avoided it for so long that I'm scared just thinking about it. I got scared incase I panicked and so I avoided it. I used to enjoy my own company but anxiety isn't it. I'm going to try it. I've alwaus got you lot on here to turn to xxx