Anyone ever have bad indigestion with severe anxiety?!? It’s my newest symptom and just seems so odd!!!
Weird Indigestion: Anyone ever have bad... - Anxiety and Depre...
Weird Indigestion
Anxiety can cause physical symptoms as well. Indigestion or stomach acid is a very common one and it can get very uncomfortable.Try sipping cool water through the day to reduce the chance of getting indigestion, and during an episode.
Sipping cool water when you have anxiety symptoms also helps things like fast heart rate , palpitations, dizziness and overthinking as well.
It's a technique used for people like me whom have physical autonomic dysfunction conditions. The sipping of water distracts the nervous symptom from the " fight or flight" symptoms of anxiety turning it's attention to " rest and digest" activities and temperature regulation.
Eating lighter , smaller nutrients rich meals also helps even if your indigestion is linked to your Anxiety, as a good , simple diet improves the bodies ability to cope with Physical Anxiety symptoms. Eating regular meals but keeping to 5 smaller portions instead of three big ones is a good routine. Stop drinking fizzy diet drinks if you drink them and save things like take aways or sugary foods to the occasional treat.
If you have it at night try raising your sleep position on comfortable pillows that raise your shoulders as well as your head , and sleep on your left side or back.
Try to keep a straight posture when you sit or stand and walk , leaning forward or hunching forward adds to indigestion by making it easier for stomach acid to rise upwards and reducing how easily food passes through your digestives system.
Deep breathing exercises and just a few gentle strolls ( 5-10 minutes) help reduce indigestion as well as helping to control Anxiety feelings.
Take care , Bee
Thanks so much for the reply!!! I have definitely not being eating like I used to! Changing that today!!! Hardest thing is constantly in fear of having a heart attack. I need to quit drinking so much beer too. It helps with the anxiety and has become my crutch. Thanks again for replying back to me!!!!
Oh , yes beer will definitely cause more indigestion, especially if you already have anxious thoughts.It probably doesn't help much in stopping your worries about your heart health either.
If you go for a beer , think , am I grabbing you because I really want to enjoy a slow , easy beer with my feet up m or am I doing it just in the hope that it might make me stop feeling bad?
If it's just to stop feeling bad , decide not to bother, put it back in the fridge and think about doing something that could distract your mind , something you enjoy instead, even if it's just listening to music or a stroll for the time it would take to drink the beer.
You'll get there , start small and remember to do the positive things that make you feel happy , take care , Bee
Don't be so surprised at having anxiety and having indigestion they seem to go to gether as I've had anxiety and depression for years and ive had indigestion for as long as I can remember have you tried antacids ie gaviscon or try your doctor if you see them for both your anxiety and indigestion and tackle them to get her you will feel better all the best 👍
If I’m in burnout/ crisis where I struggle to do the most basic tasks. I can’t hardly eat anything. I just spent the last 3 days on soup and protein shakes.
Oh no 😔 it really is the most awful feeling ever. The loss of appetite or the nausea feeling after eating. Just had dinner and it made my anxiety go way up because the indigestion. Ate healthy too and could barely eat!!! I sure hope you get through this soon!!!!!
Me too do you find certain foods are easier to eat and others are an instant nope. Like as soon as you have it in your mouth it’s instantly causing issues.
Some food can give some people severe anxiety or severe depression or can bring angry and epilepsy. Most common foods for depression are carbs (also the healthy carbs), and food or drinks with hot herbs (peper, cayenne, chili, muscate, clove, cinnamon, cafe, chocolate, black thee, thym, oregano) and warming foods (wine, chicken, lamb, yams, ...) and all dairy products. Sometimes also pork can bring depression. For anxiety acidic foods (fermented foods, acv, citrus fruits, tomatos, kiwi, wine, citric acid, ascorbic acid...) can bring more anxiety or more insomnia, also dairy and pork can bring anxiety. If beer lowers your anxiety then I would look into the acidic foods and remove those for a while. Also foods or cosmetics and kitchen and laundry products rich in salicylates or oxalates or mold can influence ones brain. There is much more that foods and your house can do, you may always message me.
I've had anxiety all my life and got to the point where I thought I'd had enough of it ruling my life. I've just finished some therapy, luckily through a local women's charity that don't charge, and it's like a light had gone on in my head as I now know why I've been like this all my life. I know it can seem a bit clichéd but have you ever considered it, it really can work. Good luck
I have digestion issues also with my anxiety. I eat little and often and drink lots of water. I take bimuno which also helps with my gut and sleep. It's hard to find the right thing but keep trying.
Anxiety can cause digestion problems. That’s usually how I know it’s worse. Everything I eat upsets my stomach. I take my anxiety meds. Wait a while and have some Pepto. I try to eat bland for a few days. And I drink fennel seed tea or Linden tea. The latter is also very good for anxiety. I also have IBS, which is made worse by anxiety, which can also cause dizzy spells. That was the only symptom my mom had. She’d take a low dose Xanax and it would disappear. Anxiety can also cause many more physical symptoms. I hope you feel better soon.
Anxiety can definitely exasperate symptoms but it wouldn’t be the cause of it. I would recommend seeing a doctor and going over some diet/lifestyle changes that can help alleviate the indigestion you’ve been experiencing. Tums, Prilosec and Protonix are medicines that can help relieve the symptoms of reflux/indigestion and it might be worth looking into. Also if you’re new to indigestion, I would recommend sitting up for 30min after eating or drinking. And don’t eat too late before bed. That’s a big one. Feel better soon!
When the stomach shuts down and isn't digesting things it can cause indigestion.Anxiety radically affects the autonomic system which includes the stomach and digestion.
Anxiety can definitely shut down digestion which could cause indigestion / heartburn.
They defiantly they go hand and hand hi anxiety will mess w your stomach I should know 😅.ask Dr for zofran its a anti nausea medicine very small tablets.. It helps nausea
Sounds like acid reflux I had that is scary, be calm and breath.