Hi everyone. I’ve had anxiety for 11 years and now depression. I sometimes get these days where I can’t slow down my mind. It’s like my nervous system has been turned up and I feel like I’m going crazy. I’ve had head CT scans, a brain mri, all sorts of blood work along with endoscopys, urine tests and nothing comes back abnormal. The fatigue is sometimes debilitating and I can’t stop crying. The “seizure” like activity is the worst where I don’t fall or convulse like a seizure but I feel my brain turned up to the max inside my head I could scream and pull my hair out. (I’m not epileptic). Does anyone have similar issues?
Weird : Hi everyone. I’ve had anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...

Absolutely same. You describe it so good. I wanted too but my brain is too dizzy. Absolutely same. I can't slow down my brain. I feel like i'm going to faint or go in convulsion or a seizure. I wondered If i'm epileptic or have adhd. I'm not. All medical tests came back normal. I'm going insane. I think it's because of a trauma response and anxiety but i want to scream. It's so hard and you're not alone
I’m wondering about adhd too! I don’t think It’s epilepsy I think it’s a stress response as I got diagnosed with fibro after a traumatic miscarriage at 19 not knowing I was pregnant and never been the same since. But it’s terrifying, I’m constantly diagnosing myself with something neurological, BPD or bipolar but I think it’s just SEVERE anxiety and depression. Honestly I feel I’m going crazy but the fact we feel like that shows we’re not. So sorry you’re suffering too but glad I’m not alone in feeling this way! Reach out to me anytime you like x
Yeah, i had many tests, i went to a psychiatrist yesterday and it's just severe anxiety and trauma. The body and brain are in trauma response, those racing thoughts are hypervigiliance to protect itself also stress hormones and blood pressure going up and down. Also here If you need me
It could be just anxiety and depression. All that sounds like what my brother went through few years ago. He used to grab his head and thrash around in bed not knowing what the hell was going on. He is strong minded so he never really had panic attacks from worrying about it. His depression was classed as MDD = Major Depressive Disorder. I hope depression meds will help you if you try it. My brother is doing fine now, depression under control, got married and working. Meds just make him tired lot of the times.
Thanks for your reply. I’m for sure struggling with severe depression to my moods are constantly switching from tears to anger. I have fibromyalgia which can affect mood but I feel I’m going crazy! I’ll definitely reach out to a physiatrist for help
I'm sorry that is happening to you. Have you been checked for b vitamin deficiencies? Just an idea.

I have a full blood panel done in august in hospital and everything looked great. I know I’m Vit D deficient though which won’t help!
I feel like I should explain some context...In 1998 food companies started putting synthetic folic acid in food and vitamins and said it was healthy. There are some people who can't break it down and it is toxic. That's close to 12 years? Could that be it? If so, the remedy is to cut it out of your diet and/or try methylfolate instead. It is also synthetic but broken down already.
It could also be other vitamins like B12 or D deficiency. It is rare but similar symptoms I think and not impossible.
Or eat lots of broccoli, asparagus, health foods. Just an idea
Hello coping with Ex. Have you seen a mental health care specialist or taking meds? When my anxiety was at it's peak 6 months ago I felt like I was having mental panic attacks. Had never felt anything like that before and thought I going insane. It scares me to think back on how bad I felt. My anxiety was off the charts. You're not alone.
Hi! I’m definitely going to reach out to someone. I’ve had panic disorder since I was 11 (almost 22 now) and never really got medicated apart from propanalol as I hate being on medication. The stress and anxiety and pain has taken a toll on me. Mental health is the worst. Thanks for the reply and Hope you’re doing better now!