I missed a day of my Lexapro 10mg (yesterday), i took it today & my anxiety is so bad right now.. I feel hot and anxious. I feel scared, why??? Why can’t I just have ONE day?
Im feeling weird: I missed a day of my... - Anxiety and Depre...
Im feeling weird

Do not worry. This will pass. remember other times when you felt anxious and also went through. Anxiety is a complicated situation. Sometimes just by not taking the medicine the mind can be influenced as a placebo effect. Take a deep breath and watch. If the problem does not go by itself, seek medical attention. Anyway report the problem to your doctor at the next appointment. I'm sorry for the bad english. I am Brazilian and used Google translator.
Thank you, it was triggered by the ringtone of a friends phone which I don’t understand.. your English was fine thank you for trying..
I also have anxiety attacks and I know how difficult it is. Hope you get well and accept a hug from Brazil!
Hi i know how you and ballon5 is feeling I also suffer from anxiety, panic attack’s and anxious depression 😢I called Tham a invisible monsters .. wish you both all the health and happiness that you deserve...sending lots of hugs from England.. ah eu também sou brasileira mais moro na Inglaterra a muitos anos ...se quiser nos podemos se comunicar .🙂
Hi it is withdrawal symptom. Is normal but unpleasant . U can take a benzo if you have to keep you calm. Try not to skip your medication because the withdrawal symptoms are unpleasant. To cope with anxiety there's some strategies. 1) sit confortably and breathe with your belly in and out about 20 times. 2) continue that breathing bit now you will imagine your ideal place (e.g a beach and wave sounds or inside a hut in a forest while raining, something perfect for you) . Dont forget your "belly" breathing ( you control your breathing not the opposite) while you are in you safe/perfect place. After a while let's say 10 15 min, Open your eyes but continue breathing and start counting from 100 to 0 but slowly while belly breathing. Finally I want to watch five things and name them in your head ( TV, wall, chair etc), now smell 5 different things ( your skin, the couch, the plan of your hand, your perfum etc) . Now listen 5 different sounds(e.g sound of TV, the clock, people talking in the street etc) . Now taste 5 imaginary things (e.g chocolate, an orange, pine etc) and finally touch different things ( e.g carpet, wall, table, mobile etc). Do 10 more belly breathing. You feel better?
It takes practice but usually works very well. I did not invented it. In works because your mind cant focus in anxiety and in your new thoughts at the same time. That's why it's a fabulous trick. Practice it . Hope you get better soon.
Why settle for having just ONE day free from anxiety, Balloon5? You can set your sights higher than that. Why not aim for a full and lasting recovery? You can you know.
What stress in your daily life is causing your anxiety? Whatever it is you should deal with it decisively, even ruthlessly.
Otherwise you won't only experience stress but fear will follow. Then fear of fear itself. Nobody should have to feel scared all the time.
Fear is usually of the unknown. But the more you learn about fear the less frightening it becomes. Those terrible sweaty feelings are not the prelude to early death or permanent incapacity. Neither are they the harbinger of heart failure or stroke.
Thousands have felt those self same symptoms and lived to tell the tale. You aren't alone. It's just that anxiety always has us thinking worst case scenarios.
Fear is what keeps our nerves sensitive and on edge. If we lose the fear we lose the symptoms.
Accept those feelings a little longer but refuse to add too much importance to them. Accept them but carry on.
Don’t worry about the missed dose,set your alarm on your phone daily then hopefully you won’t miss another one.
The fear is anxiety it won’t win you are strong punch that fear away and as you do watch it fly away.
You will eventually find a way keep going we are all here for you.
Do you drink any caffeine? Just a thought if you do research food and beverages that trigger anxiety. I used to have bad anxiety I thought I was gonna die in my sleep every night. Then did research and sure enough my coffee and my dew was making it worse. Do you have any kind of support system for your anxiety?
Lexapro has a short half-life so it leaves your system quickly. Hence the kick back. Hope you’re starting to feel better by now 😊
Missing even one dose can make you feel horrible. Sometimes I hate being dependent on medicine to just make it through, but if it is what helps me to function then it is worth it. There are many medicine reminder apps, find a free one and use it. I have to that way I can mark it off when I take it so that I know I did. Good luck, the feelings will pass.
I found that when I was taking the 10 mg of Lexapro it had a horrible withdrawal effect. Try to be consistent- it really does help! You got this!!!!
I am always so surprised that so many people are on Lexapro for Anxiety. Antidepressants had a stimulating effect on me and made my condition worse. In fact I acted really weird on them. There are other options out there for anxiety management in addition to all the things that people are mentioning above. Exercise works really well for me but, it has to be somewhat vigorous in order for it to make a difference in my mood. In addition, the withdrawals from SSRI are very difficult to manage. It took over a month to adjust to coming off Lexapro but, I was so manic I was losing it and it was ruining my professional and personal life. I had a Physiatrist that insisted that I had bipolar disorder. But, I was always just filled with anxiety. If you just have anxiety there are medications out there that have less side effects and no addictive properties like the current goto Lexapro. It is definitely not a cure all.

Yes I agree with you but what other medication that are. Out there to help anxiety and panic attack’s without the addiction.!? . becouse I’m plagued with that Im also taking antidepressants ..but it only helps a little bit..I’m so exhausted with all this trials and errors medication, I must tried so many and almost all of Than made my anxiety worse and know I have anxious depression ..😩
I am trying Buspirone currently and so far it has reduced the anxiety quite a bit. But, I still exercise, try to go to therapy and meditate when I can. It has very little in the way of side effects and it isn’t addictive. However, I’m sure if I stop taking it the symptoms will return. I have GAD but I am trying to unravel the causes. So that I don’t have to take this. My life is very stressful. But, it is working on the panic attacks. I haven’t had one in weeks. The only down side is that it must be taken continuously during the day. 3 doses-morning, midday and evening. But, it doesn’t make me tired or bloated or any of the things the other meds used to do. I gained 20lb on SSRIs. I am currently lighter than I was before I got sick. Please keep in mind that is just my observations and you shouldn’t take my experience over what your doctor may prescribe. But, I never heard of this until I got a new practitioner.

Thank you Ouroboros I will mention this to my doctor... I’m so pleased that this medication is working for you ..I also suffer from GAD and I know how hard it is to control this horrible feeling... wish you all the best especially happiness and health....🙏🏼 Bela
I wondered if you were feeling better and were sticking to the 10 mg regime? I have found lexapro to be really good. Almost life changing actually! 😊

It’s been ok, it’s only been a month since I been on Lexapro. I still have this sense of anxiousness & it’s hard to deal with it without blaming the medication but it could be just a placebo effect
I am sure you will be seeing the positive effects within the next 2/3 weeks. 😊
Hi dear I hope you feeling better today !? I’m having almost the same problem, I’m on amitriptyline 25 mg at night and 4 days ago my doctor change my dosage to 10 mg and I also started a new medication called Duloxetine at the some day .. boy did I feel horrible today 😡anxiety is worse my heart was coming out of my mouth it felt like !, I had to take day off work becouse I cud not drive feeling like this .. I had to call my doctor and explain to him how I felt.. he told me to stop the new medication and start amitriptyline 20 mg for 4 weeks than drop it to 10mg again and start the Duloxetine again ..OMG all this is making me more anxious.. so I decided to relax today reeding self help books ,it did kind of help a bit ..I’m reeding Dr Claire weeks self helping for you nerves is very good she explained very well and I also like to listen to her cds ...sometimes we need that extra help the medication it self doesn’t do it all ... do you get extra help other than medication? Sorry I can go on forever me lol ... wish you well 🙏🏼hugs and prayers on the way to you ..